There is no solid reason for marijuana to be illegal. The risks and dangers of taking it are about the same as the risks of drinking alcohol of smoking tobacco, both which are legal for adults. Furthermore, making it illegal is ineffective at stopping minors from taking the drug, and makes the drug more dangerous because it cannot be regulated. Legal marijuana would be less dangerous because it would have to conform to safety standards, and have warnings to keep people informed, like cigarettes do. If society can change their views on alcohol, they can change their views on marijuana.…
Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a plant that can be ingested or smoked. This plant, or rather botanical, is illegal in most of the country with the exception of some states giving physicians authority to recommend the use to their patients. The purpose of this essay is to examine both the benefits and the risks of legalizing marijuana. Marijuana has many medicinal properties that have been proven to be therapeutically effective for various conditions. However, this drug also has carcinogenic properties and dangerous short- and long-term effects on the body. Although advocates may argue that the legalization of marijuana has many potential benefits, such as it would lessen our national debt and benefit our overall economic system, opponents may beg to differ. In this essay, the debate over the legalization of marijuana continues, with arguments over the therapeutic benefits versus the dangerous adverse effects of marijuana, the influence marijuana has on individuals, and whether or not the legalization of this drug could benefit our economy.…
Marijuana is one of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States and legalizing Marijuana has been an ongoing controversial debate for decades. Marijuana comes from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa and the main active ingredient is THC. Marijuana is usually smoked as a cigarette (joint), but can also be put in food or brewed as tea. When smoked it has a distinctive smell, which is usually a sweet-and-sour smell. There are 18 of 50 states and DC that have legalized the medicinal use of marijuana. People will argue that marijuana may cause physical damages, have mental effects and more criminals will be on the streets. Although there may me adverse effects that in moderation, the drug is no more harmful than legal drugs, such as tobacco or alcohol. Marijuana has many medical benefits, which outweighs its potential abuse. The government could earn money from taxes on its sale, create jobs and improve our economy. So marijuana should be legalized because the pros outweigh the cons.…
What many people do not understand about marijuana is that it is a safe drug and not all drugs are bad drugs. “Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. Around 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. Similarly, more than 400,000 deaths each year are attributed to tobacco smoking. By comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose.” (NORML, 2015). Marijuana comes in third behind alcohol and tobacco as the most popular recreational drugs. There has never been a death due to marijuana due to the fact that is is nearly impossible to overdose and it is “nontoxic”. It is very confusing to many people as to why this drug is illegal when looking at how safe it is compared to things like alcohol and tobacco…
("About marijuana," 2010). I hope to convince the reader as to why the legalization of marijuana would benefit society instead of criminalizing a natural substance that has been…
Introduction: In today’s society, there are many views on the legal status of marijuana. Some people are supporters, others are opposed and there are those who have a neutral view on the issue of marijuana decriminalization and legalization. The following contains a wide range of views, with us living in the United States; we have the right to freedom of speech to express our views and site facts on controversial issues.…
Throughout this paper, there will be the highly debatable discussion between legalizing medical marijuana and regular marijuana. Both sides of the argument have their pros and cons and there is an in depth description of both sides of the argument. At the end of the day though, the paper thoroughly supports the legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana in general. Medical marijuana less harmful than most other legal tobacco products and has the ability to reduce the pain within ailing people. Cannabis also can be a curable and more natural drug to help people in pain. Marijuana also has the potential to raise the U.S. out of their tough economic struggle as well as lower crime rate and create more jobs for many more people. On the other hand researchers believe that medical marijuana is still bad for people’s health and the government does not know how to regulate the production and sell of marijuana. Both sides have valid arguments, but the pros outweigh the cons by a significant amount. This paper has opinions of lots of credible sources, doctors and researchers explaining their side of the story. But read on to create your own personal opinion.…
The current drug laws are doing more harm than good, legalizing marijuana would benefit the country in many ways. It would increase revenue for states. If marijuana were legal, the states would have more money to spend on important problems. Also marijuana has many medical benefits.…
Several topics in modern day society cause controversy, but one topic that out ranks them all is the legalization of marijuana. The main argument is whether not marijuana should be treated the same as already legalized drugs, such as tobacco and alcohol. Many Americans use marijuana illegally; the people using the drug range from the age of teens to even adults in their eighties. Marijuana is considered by most, especially in legal terms, as a dangerous drug. Although the drug is seen as such, many still continue to use it and argue it should be legalized for several reasons. Both citizens and government officials alike debate this topic. To successfully develop and argument for the legalization of marijuana the topic must be defined, the history of the topic must be unveiled, an argument must be made, and a good solution should be proposed. Yes, both sides of the argument both have well supported positions, but marijuana should be legalized by the United States government because the facts supporting legalization far outweigh the arguments keeping the drug as it is.…
If there was a vote in every state to either legalize or to not legalize the use of marijuana the outcome would be the legalization of marijuana in every state. The question I have is why do so many Americans enjoy smoking marijuana? This is a huge ongoing issue that is being resolved as fast as possible. Personally, I’m against the legalization of marijuana because I see no reason for it. In this essay, I will be arguing why marijuana should not be legalized in all states. I will give counter-arguments to show why marijuana should be illegal and I will be giving the readers all the information needed to fully understand why my argument is correct. You will see questions with answers as well as facts to advance my argument.…
Since marijuana was introduced thousands of years ago, the fatality rate has remained at a staggering number; zero. Although one requirement for a substance to be classified as a drug, is having a known level of toxicity (ability to overdose); marijuana does not. In addition, the benefits of marijuana go further than simply being safe to use recreationally. If marijuana was legalized across the United States, it would boost the struggling economy, decrease gang activity and violent crimes, and provide health benefits for many terminal diseases.…
When searching for answers as to why marijuana should be legal, I found recent studies that have shown what the cannabis plant can do for our health. Marijuana, a plant that has been around for many years now and scientist are finally able to show proof that marijuana can cure people of various ailments. Research from the website gives us plenty of reasons as to why Marijuana should be legal. One of those reasons is that it is safer to use than what people are currently using, like tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, prescribed pain pills, and aspirin. Two, Marijuana can be used for many medical uses in which doctors can prescribe to patients that have health issues. Three, the FDA has approved medications that are more dangerous and addictive…
Cannabis: an expensive, can ruined someone’s life. Cannabis is also known as weed and in a lot of people’s opinions cannabis is one of the most dangerous drug in the world. They are right. This drug can lead to on harder drugs for example crystal meth or ‘meow meow’ otherwise known as M-cat. This is otherwise known as a gateway drug. Cannabis being a gateway drug in many occasions has lead people to these deadly drugs. With it being the most attainable drug this truly can be called silent killers as many of the people who take it are unaware of the future issues.…
The legalization of marijuana has always been a controversial topic between the public. Presented with both negative and positive effects on the average human body, the answer on whether marijuana should remain illegal or not has always remained in a certain gray area. With the progression of technology, we as a society, have been able to further understand the causes and effects of marijuana, leaving me to believe the substance should remain illegal. Legalization would not only be detrimental to those who use it, but as well as the individuals around them.…
If marijuana is made legal, people will think smoking marijuana is something that they can do every single day at any given time, which will increase drug use. People will smoke marijuana without getting in trouble or getting arrested. With it being legal,…