TO: Bell Canada – Toronto
FROM: Algoma Business Consultants
DATE: May 28, 2007
Recommendations and Implementation:
Short-Term (1 Week) * Segment customers based on type of problem, which are all telecommunications, so that customer service knows how to assist the customers properly. * Segment customers based on the bill price, then service higher bill prices first because they would be a greater loss for Bell. * Segment customers based on specific need that needs to be addressed to help ensure customers are satisfied with results.
Medium Term (2-4 Weeks) * Winston Chen- telecommunications, top 2% bill price, unlimited long-distance/possible credit to keep him happy or lower bill next month./ unlimited international.. * Marie Portillo – telecommunications, median price range , call waiting/special long distance rates that can be used at any time) * Eleanor Vanderbilt –telecommunications, bottom 10% bill price, callers id/block number option/call trace * Richard Robbins – telecommunications, 75% (not sure if this means top or bottom), needs long distance (special evening/weekend rates? Look up)/voicemail
Long-Term (5+ Weeks) * Bundled pricing to increase market share in three areas of service they provide and lower total monthly bills for customers.
Control and Feedback
All four customers will receive surveys either by phone or mail on how their new services are working and will have a section for any feedback they wish to provide Bell. They will also be called to make sure that they understand how the features work and the operator can answer any questions that the customers might have. Their current and next three month’s bills will also be reviewed to ensure that the new features have decreased their average monthly bill amount.
Contingency Plan
If the new implications are unsuccessful, other options may be considered. They can return to status quo,
Bibliography: BCE Inc. (2012). BCE History. Retrieved 05 20, 2012, from Bell: BCE Inc. (2012). Home Phone. Retrieved 05 20, 2012, from Bell: Lovelock, C. (2008). Four Customers in Search of Solutions. In C. Lovelock, J. Wirtz, & H. S. Bansal, Services Marketing (p. 479). Toronto: Pearson Canada Inc. .