Her memory of Edward telling her to not be reckless and to take care of her replayed in her head every time she does something reckless. The recurring memory stimulates by her emotions and the traumatizing memory stored in the temporal lobes stimulated her occipital lobe for her to actually “see” Edward again. The shock of adrenaline and dopamine rushed through her body as soon as she does something suicidal or reckless. This presented Borderline Personality Disorder various times when she went on a motorcycle with guys who tried to rape her about a year ago, when she threw herself off a cliff during a big storm and a evil vampire in the water trying to avenge her dead vampire boyfriend. She also learned how to ride a motorcycle despite the fact that she almost cracked her head open on a huge rock. She always had bad coordination and balance which mean she was born with a defect in her
Her memory of Edward telling her to not be reckless and to take care of her replayed in her head every time she does something reckless. The recurring memory stimulates by her emotions and the traumatizing memory stored in the temporal lobes stimulated her occipital lobe for her to actually “see” Edward again. The shock of adrenaline and dopamine rushed through her body as soon as she does something suicidal or reckless. This presented Borderline Personality Disorder various times when she went on a motorcycle with guys who tried to rape her about a year ago, when she threw herself off a cliff during a big storm and a evil vampire in the water trying to avenge her dead vampire boyfriend. She also learned how to ride a motorcycle despite the fact that she almost cracked her head open on a huge rock. She always had bad coordination and balance which mean she was born with a defect in her