The simple gift is a verse novel in which is told from the varied perspective of three narrators Billy, Old Bill and Caitlin. The novel deals with the issues of social acceptance and rejection and these are foregrounded by different voices whose personal experiences display both positive and negative aspects of social belonging. The main character, Billy is a young secluded and displaced boy in which eventually gains a very strong sense of belonging through the meaningful and powerful relationships. His transition form a misplaced boy living with “no hope” and in a “shit hole lonely down trodden house” (Longlands road) to a devoted young man occurs when he is welcomed to Bendarat, “the only town I’ve ever wanted to call home.” This is evident in the text when he states that his carriage is “my hotel Bendarat”. Through the use of the technique of irony this emphasizes that his
The simple gift is a verse novel in which is told from the varied perspective of three narrators Billy, Old Bill and Caitlin. The novel deals with the issues of social acceptance and rejection and these are foregrounded by different voices whose personal experiences display both positive and negative aspects of social belonging. The main character, Billy is a young secluded and displaced boy in which eventually gains a very strong sense of belonging through the meaningful and powerful relationships. His transition form a misplaced boy living with “no hope” and in a “shit hole lonely down trodden house” (Longlands road) to a devoted young man occurs when he is welcomed to Bendarat, “the only town I’ve ever wanted to call home.” This is evident in the text when he states that his carriage is “my hotel Bendarat”. Through the use of the technique of irony this emphasizes that his