Peter Skrzynecki the poem” Post card “displays belonging can emerge from the connection with places. It demonstrates a sense of connection to Peter Skrzynecki past, his parent’s home, culture and belonging. His parents connect with a city destroyed by war, “my father will be proud of your domes and towers, yet rebuilt and still loved by them”. This shows the father still has a connection of belonging to this place although it was destroyed in the war. The poem reminds Skrzynecki about where his parents feel they belong and were he should belong. In "Postcard", Peter Skrzynecki does not feel the same connection to his homeland that his father feels, but rather feels alienated and disconnected. The postcard of Warsaw haunts him, “lone tree” that “whispers, ‘We will meet/ Before you die”, he claims no spiritual or cultural connection with his parent’s homeland. He is not able to connect with his parent’s homeland, but he questions himself if he belongs to this place his parents come from. Peter Skrzynecki displays the parents belonging to the county through the connection of place.
The poem “Migrant Hostel” also by Peter Skrzynecki demonstrates belonging emerging from the connection of places. Belonging is shown with the connection of the polish migrants connecting in the as one in the hostel. Also belonging can emerge from the connection of the people, “Nationalities sought”, “Each other out”. This represents that they