In the movie Strictly Ballroom, Scott is portrayed as a semi-professional ballroom dancer which is reflected as his identity in the community. The ballroom community prevents Scott from expressing his own way of dancing in which he can mirror his feelings allowing him to create his own identity within the community. This restriction results in him going against the federation to create his own identity within the community ultimately allowing him to express his dancing from the heart instead of choreographed steps which relate in no way to the true meaning of the songs to which he dances. These steps are highlighted through close-ups to his movements to exaggerate that he is different from the rest and also to his face revealing his true feelings about his way of dancing, which is of happiness and excited imaged through his enthusiasm and dedication for dancing. However, the result of Scott’s actions are
In the movie Strictly Ballroom, Scott is portrayed as a semi-professional ballroom dancer which is reflected as his identity in the community. The ballroom community prevents Scott from expressing his own way of dancing in which he can mirror his feelings allowing him to create his own identity within the community. This restriction results in him going against the federation to create his own identity within the community ultimately allowing him to express his dancing from the heart instead of choreographed steps which relate in no way to the true meaning of the songs to which he dances. These steps are highlighted through close-ups to his movements to exaggerate that he is different from the rest and also to his face revealing his true feelings about his way of dancing, which is of happiness and excited imaged through his enthusiasm and dedication for dancing. However, the result of Scott’s actions are