We start off with the first picture, which is a small beige coloured seed hidden in the dirt. This seed represents our beginning as an unborn child hidden safely in our mother’s womb. When you’re a seed theres certain things you belong to. The strongest sense of belonging would be towards the mother, as she is not only your carrier but she is a vital source for your very existence. She is your sanctuary, your home for the first 9 months give or take of your life. Then the seed has a sense of belonging to the awaiting family, which in our case for the seed is the environment it’s in. It also belongs to the unknown and the future, as it doesn’t know what its life path will be as it grows, or if it will even grow or not. Not all seeds make it, as some die or get washed away. Similarly for us, we can have miscarriages or abortions. Although it was only a seed, we will feel like a part of us is gone because of the sense of belonging we felt towards it and it not being there anymore. We all were a seed once and that’s what bounds us together that belonging towards the seed before life. Some people like us believe the seed is given to us by God, while others just
We start off with the first picture, which is a small beige coloured seed hidden in the dirt. This seed represents our beginning as an unborn child hidden safely in our mother’s womb. When you’re a seed theres certain things you belong to. The strongest sense of belonging would be towards the mother, as she is not only your carrier but she is a vital source for your very existence. She is your sanctuary, your home for the first 9 months give or take of your life. Then the seed has a sense of belonging to the awaiting family, which in our case for the seed is the environment it’s in. It also belongs to the unknown and the future, as it doesn’t know what its life path will be as it grows, or if it will even grow or not. Not all seeds make it, as some die or get washed away. Similarly for us, we can have miscarriages or abortions. Although it was only a seed, we will feel like a part of us is gone because of the sense of belonging we felt towards it and it not being there anymore. We all were a seed once and that’s what bounds us together that belonging towards the seed before life. Some people like us believe the seed is given to us by God, while others just