The film, “Strictly Ballroom”, demonstrates the difficulty in expressing one’s individuality because of the rules and regulations enforced by cultures and governing bodies. It begins with opening scene presenting a silhouette of the ballroom world, which is a metaphor used to set the criteria of belonging. The synchronisation of each dance partner shows the forceful conformist nature to belong. The use of high angle shots of Scott and Fran dancing on the roof of the studio portrays their isolation and alienation from the rest of the ‘dance world’, expressing the effort they must undertake to express their individuality. The restrictiveness of this world is highlighted by the antagonist Barry Fife. His dictorial nature is presented in the close up of his mouth in which he quotes, “You can dance any steps you like, but that doesn’t mean you’ll win”. This image, elaborates his influential power of his position as he proposes that no new dance styles can be performed. This creates a barrier to belong along-side
The film, “Strictly Ballroom”, demonstrates the difficulty in expressing one’s individuality because of the rules and regulations enforced by cultures and governing bodies. It begins with opening scene presenting a silhouette of the ballroom world, which is a metaphor used to set the criteria of belonging. The synchronisation of each dance partner shows the forceful conformist nature to belong. The use of high angle shots of Scott and Fran dancing on the roof of the studio portrays their isolation and alienation from the rest of the ‘dance world’, expressing the effort they must undertake to express their individuality. The restrictiveness of this world is highlighted by the antagonist Barry Fife. His dictorial nature is presented in the close up of his mouth in which he quotes, “You can dance any steps you like, but that doesn’t mean you’ll win”. This image, elaborates his influential power of his position as he proposes that no new dance styles can be performed. This creates a barrier to belong along-side