Furthermore, just as Beloved is completely devoted to Sethe, DJ is completely devoted to Gene. In a similar light to Beloved, DJ acts as reminder of Gene’s past, however, the former only acts as a reminder of the past but doesn’t function in the present. Whereas DJ acts to remind Gene of his past, Beloved acts to both remind Sethe of her past, but also to alter Sethe’s present life. This difference in purpose, therefore, establishes Beloved as a physical being acting on the past and present versus a psychologically being formed by
Furthermore, just as Beloved is completely devoted to Sethe, DJ is completely devoted to Gene. In a similar light to Beloved, DJ acts as reminder of Gene’s past, however, the former only acts as a reminder of the past but doesn’t function in the present. Whereas DJ acts to remind Gene of his past, Beloved acts to both remind Sethe of her past, but also to alter Sethe’s present life. This difference in purpose, therefore, establishes Beloved as a physical being acting on the past and present versus a psychologically being formed by