Jackson gives the reader a break-down of his life in a very impersonal list and talks about being crazy and a “boring heart breaker.” When talking about the ending of his past relationships he says “and I didn't break any land-speed records running out the door. Piece by piece, I disappeared. I've been disappearing ever since.” This tells the reader his sad story and shows how he views himself. He is a sad, lost Indian who feels he is slowly losing himself. It gives the reader insight into how many homeless people (Indian or not) probably feel about themselves and their lives. Jackson frequently thinks about his grandmother, when thinking about her death he wonders “if my grandmother's cancer started when somebody stole her powwow regalia. Maybe the cancer started in her broken heart and then leaked out into her breasts. I know it's crazy, but I wondered whether I could bring my grandmother back to life if I bought back her regalia.” Jackson cares deeply about his grandmother and this shows that his quest for her regalia is an important and spiritual quest for…
“Recitatif” is a story about Twyla and Roberta; two characters of different race that accidently meet every couple of years. From the onset of the story, Morrison introduces the story with a racist thought from Twyla, stablishing the story’s main topic is race. The story in general is to get the reader to contemplate on the significance of the story. She does this by never unveiling the race of either character. Instead she uses various social codes to help the reader identify the race of each character. Also, “Morrison has explored the experience and roles of black women in a racist and male dominated society. Besides revealing the hurt caused by racial discrimination and segregation to the black women, she has also described their inner psychological world twisted by the dominated white society” (Li-Li, WANG). Furthermore, Maggie is also another significant character. Twyla and Roberta detested Maggie and thought Maggie deserved all the hate and suffering. Most importantly, “Recitatif” is a “work exposing society’s unspoken racialized codes” (Stanley, Sandra Kumamoto). Therefore, the message Morrison is reflecting is the issue that lies in our society. In…
The story “The Welcome Table” written by Walker and the poem “What It’s Like to Be a Black Girl” by Patricia Smith are two literary works that illustrate both racism and discrimination towards black women in the American society in the past, present and even the future. The “Welcome Table” story reveals how an old black woman is expelled from a church believed to be occupied by the white people (Soles, 2010). This act displays how the black women are observed and treated in the society. The church is usually open for all the people and hence anyone has the right to attend the services. However, instead of the white people to welcome her into the house of the Lord, they felt ashamed and threw her out. On her way back home, she meets with Jesus which means that God does not discriminate against anyone. Moreover, the story reveals that a black woman is always seen as inferior. This simply explains why there are churches for the black people and churches for the white people in America even up to date. According to Bloom (2008) the old black woman is seen as a taint in the white community and thus an outside yet she has all the everything a white woman has expect the skin color.…
At the beginning of the novel, from the reader’s perspective Spicer gives the impression of being a young boy, in particular with his refusal to eat after they have murdered Hale. “I’ll be sick...if I eat” The Boy then responds with “Spew then”, this suggests that Spicer has a weakness especially within the group. As well as this it implies that Spicer regrets or feels a large amount of emotion towards the act they have just committed unlike Pinkie who seems totally unfazed. However, as the book continues we learn that Spicer is an older man as we are told of his “spots” that appear as well as “upset...bowels”, his “carroty” hair and his “scarred” nose. The sympathy the reader felt before then changes to loathing, as these new descriptions create an unattractive image for the reader. As well as this his earlier weakness now comes across as spineless and almost pathetic. We also learn that Spicer used to be a Jew “but a hairdresser and surgeon had altered that”. This reiterates the point that Spicer is spineless as he can’t even stand by his religion unlike Pinkie who has very strong religious views.…
Even at a young age, Ellen displays coming-of-age through the variety of different circumstances she is faced with. While this is true, a significant example of her coming-of-age is when she learns the sense of morality. In the novel, Ellen is raised in a racist part of time, and she is suppose to believe that all black people are dirt and carry diseases. Nonetheless, while working with black people in the cotton fields she analyzes how loving and caring the black people are “They fought strong as they played and laughed” (Gibbons 78). This changes her feelings towards black people and learns that racism is meaningless, wrong, and based on lies. Another example of how Ellen grows up, is when she learns that just because one is related to someone does not mean that they are true family. For instance, throughout the novel Ellen moves in with many different family members. Every single one of the family members either abuses her, abandons her, or dies and it was perfectly described in an article that Ellen’s family does not care for her; “her remaining family isn't really a family at all” (Makowsky 153). Lastly, Ellen demonstrates coming-of-age through bettering her control over her emotions. In the book, Ellen is left with the responsibility to look after her sick mother and eventually losing her a young age. After this traumatic experience, she learns how to deal with these…
While Toni Morrison was growing up she has also experienced prejudices similar to Twyla. Toni Morrison’s family moved to Ohio to get away from the dangers and economic struggles of the south (Kubitschek 5). As Toni Morrison grew up, she wondered what it meant to be black. She has said that when someone was born black they had to “decide to be black” (3). What Morrison said goes beyond skin color and refers to what the world views (3). This gives insight on why Morrison decided to write this short story. Both women Twyla and Roberta have preconceived views of each other based on world views. Once they build an emotional relationship with each other, they forget what the world has always told them about each other.…
The 1800’s represents a time of darkness in the United States’ history, a time when the horrid idea of slavery still lingered. In Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved, it represents one of the darkest ideologies a man can possess: treating another human being with inhumane actions. One of its main character, Beloved, shows the reader how the past defines the future. She forces the characters in the novel, most notably her mother, to first recognize the pain and suffering from their past before they can begin to further explore their futures. Morrison's style of writing plays a crucial role in constructing the characters' hopes for reconciliation, as well as the audience's understanding of the character's symbolic representation, but it also leaves…
“It’s easy for a Negro to ‘pass’ for white. But I don’t think it would be so simple for a white person to ‘pass’ for colored” (78). Larsen uses Irene here to show that “passing” can’t work both ways, there is no white woman or man who wants to be called the “n” word or ignored when there is desperate need for help. No white person wants to be black and be scoffed by other white people in the street or not be able to be loved by another person due to their skin. Unlike Clare, Irene chose a husband who was black and loved her just as she was. Although Irene was not “passing” in an outright manner, she still was in her own way. Irene was “passing” by her own rules only choosing to receive the perks on “passing” while by passing the pain and betrayal. She the treatment she receives from people who assumed she was white and did not take the time to correct people in situations where she could have benefited from their help. Irene stands up for her race, and joins of these clubs and parties, only to mirror the way of the…
In the words of Toni Morrison herself, “Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another”. Beloved is a narration of a former slave, Sethe who is trying to obtain true freedom. Though she no longer belongs to a master of a plantation, she is chained to her trembling past. Through the use of her characters, Morrison effectively conveys the memorable horrors of slavery that impact their everyday life and displays the powerful social class whites had in the eighteen century.…
The laborer looks up to the white-man and catches a glimpse of a life that he or she wishes to have, but instead has the fate of working endlessly in a field due to the color of skin. A stripped sense of identity leads these laborers to long for a table to sit at, or a bed to sleep on with a loved one. The envy generated from the colonized man further strips away any residue of the soul within the laborer. The laborer is left with just an empty shell longing to be filled with endless…
Nella Larsen’s Passing is a story about the tragedy of an African American woman, Clare Kendry, who tried to “pass” in the white American community. However, while she passes as white, she constantly seeks comfort from her friend Irene Redfield who is a representation of the African American community. Gradually, Clare has become the double image of Irene, due to the similarities of their ethnicity and the contrasting lives they lead. At the end of the story, Clare’s death is a result of the extreme burden on Irene’s shoulder due to the presence of Clare in her life. The death of Clare is very much Irene’s responsibility based upon her suspicious acts at the end of the story.…
When Beowulf is retold from Grendel’s point of view many different assumptions can be made when evaluating and comparing Grendel to Beowulf. The sympathy, which Grendel withholds, represents his innocence and how he isn’t just a “monster.” Due to this reason, readers feel very sympathetic towards Grendel compared to Beowulf due to the fact that he is incoherent to the many actions humans perform. Readers who have read Beowulf notice the different in Grendel’s character from Beowulf to Grendel due to him being expressed in two completely different ways. The various ways sympathy is represented in Grendel include the reason of retelling Beowulf from Grendel’s point of view, Grendel’s character, and the basic human condition.…
In “Beloved” by Toni Morrison, the novel follows the life of an ex-slave African American woman named Sethe, living in Ohio in the 1800s told from both third person omniscient and limited. But even more it explores sacrifices, particularly shown with Sethe. Throughout many events Sethe sacrifices continuously to benefit her children and the ones she loves.…
In "Black Writing, White Reading: Race and the Politics of Feminist Interpretation" Elizabeth Abel travels along the stepping stones given by Toni Morrison in "Recitatif" to draw her conclusions on the race of each girl. Abel uses conversation with a colleague, correspondence with Morrison, and a strong foundation of literature on the politics of racial issues in conjunction with feminism to support her opinion on the characters' racial identities. This conclusion on the assigned races is also used as a springboard to highlight other themes that Abel has derived from "Recitatif." Though the author's arguments prove thought provoking and well researched, one still may have contrasting opinions. Thankfully, do to the genius In Toni Morrison's writing, there is still room to disagree with Abel's arguments.…
‘Song of Hope’ is a poem written by Oodgeroo Nuccal (Kath Walker) an Aboriginal Australian. The piece is classified as Aboriginal Australian literature. It was published in the 1960’s. The purpose of the text is to give hope in a new beginning after the events involving the racial tension between the Aboriginals and the white settlers. The poem is directed to the Aboriginal people of Australia who suffered from these events.…