Benjamin Franklin started a successful printing business in Philadelphia and eventually grew wealthy; franklin was involved in public affairs then launched a lending library, hospital, college and took account for his experiments with electricity. During the time of the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin served in the continental congress.…
How does Benjamin Franklin's education, apprenticeship, and early writing contribute to his eventual legendary status in American history?…
Benjamin Franklin was also an inventor and scientist. He led experiments contributing to the understanding of electricity, and invented the lighting rod which protects buildings from fires caused by…
"The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin", written by Gordon S. Wood, is a selective study of aspects of the Founding Father's life. In his book, Wood's purpose is to portray the lesser known details of Benjamin Franklin's life and his transformation from a Loyalist of the Royal Crown, to a patriot who would unknowingly become one of the most massively symbolic and significant figures in American history. Wood reveals that before he was a passionate American revolutionist, Franklin passionately believed in the British Empire and tirelessly attempted to appease both American and British interests. Wood uses effective historical evidence, not commonly known today, to depict all faces of Benjamin Franklin. It is through precise investigation of the book's strengths and weaknesses that the reader will determine the…
Any one of Franklin's many accomplishments would have been enough to make him famous. He organized the first library in America. He invented many things, including the lightning rod. Franklin amazed scientists throughout the world with his experiments in electricity.…
He shaped American history because his achievements were unprecedented. Franklin was the mind behind America’s first public library, first national newspaper, and first non-religious college. Serving as a founding father, he helped build America from the ground up, from the rubble and difficulties that led to independence to the formation of American government. His confidence in American growth and strength led to significant political and scientific breakthroughs that still continue to be used in modern times. Though he may not have been recognized widely at the time, his diligence to succeed outweighed any impediments that he may have faced.…
The interviews I have chosen for this assignment is the Julian Bond and John Hope Franklin interview. I find it interesting that both men are drawn to Thomas Jefferson because of the actions he had done during the period of the Revolution. With Thomas Jefferson being label as a Renaissance man by John Hope Franklin and an agronomist and an avid bibliophile. I am fascinated on how John Hope Franklin expressed why he was drawn to Thomas Jefferson, he stated that it was because he declared that he was the author of the Declaration of Independence, the author of Virginia Statute of Religious Liberties, and the founding father of the University of Virginia. It has dawned to me that Julian Bond had also expressed that Thomas Jefferson's intellect was far ranged and that made him one of the fascinating…
"Ben Franklin Timeline." The Independance Hall Association, 4 July 1995. Web. 8 Sept. 2013. .…
From the time that Benjamin left school he encountered many hardships as well as far many more successes on the road that led him to be the flourishing independent businessman and printer in Philadelphia. Although Benjamin Franklin is known by most for the lucrative and remarkable person that he became, his success growing up to become that individual was due largely impart to his father and brother who taught him, through very different ways, the importance of persistence, which translated to his uncannily eagerness to be the best that he could possibly be.…
Before starting this project, we were learning about a time in America’s history when the Patriots came together to strive for the freedom and growth of their country, later known as the Revolutionary War. The Patriots were the brave citizens of the thirteen colonies who fought for America’s freedom from the rule of the British. Many people showed the best of their ability and rose up to be leaders, diplomats, politicians, and more. However, one person in particular laid down the foundation of America and played a key role in the war. This was none other than Benjamin Franklin. Mr. Franklin caught our eye through his many achievements, like the French Alliance of 1778, drafting the Declaration of Independence, and signing all four key documents of America’s development..…
Over the time between early presidential years; Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd president who studied law. Benjamin was the grandson of one of the president name William Harrison who served as the 9th president. Benjamin wanted to accomplish many thing as a president he passed an act called the Sherman Antitrust Act which allowed people to pay how much as they wanted for goods (food or basic clothing).Also, in the paper i'm going to talking about the hull house, The election of 1888, Jane Addams (co founder of the hull house) and the Sherman Antitrust act.…
Another one of Benjamin's inventions was paper money. If you notice, Benjamin Franklin, today, is on the $100 bill. Back then, there was no such thing as paper money. They had silver and gold coins used as their currency. It was a real problem for them because they would carry big, heavy coins all day in their pockets. "Benjamin Franklin believed in paper currency" because "he noticed the advantages of paper money while living in London" (Vleet 45). Although Benjamin Franklin was a great inventor, he was also a man with great ideas to change the…
The cornerstone of the United States of America is its Founding Fathers. This group of highly educated, wealthy aristocrats instigated the revolution against Britain, built the American system of government from scratch, and introduced American ideals that would resonate with the rest of the world. Some of the most acclaimed Founding Fathers include George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. However, although all of the Founding Fathers influenced the country in one way or another, none of them had as large of an impact as Benjamin Franklin. In addition to being a Founding Father, this Massachusetts-born Patriot was a renowned author, printer, scientist, politician, diplomat, and much more. Because of his exemplary work in these different…
Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States. He helped write the Declaration of Independence, and co-wrote the U.S Constitution. However, he is remembered more as the face on the $100 bill than the man that invented electricity. Despite all of his accomplishments and contributions in the United States, Franklin believed himself to be more of a scientist than a political thinker. This irony is evident is his autobiography which does not even discuss the revolution or anything of that nature. Instead we see a full picture of Ben Franklin as a scholar. He was very fascinated with learning and was interested in making a difference in the lives of all mankind. He believed that the way to please God was to help others and this manifested itself in his public services and contribution to science.…
Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was truly an amazing person. A few of the reasons he was so highly regarded were his inventions, his involvement in foreign and domestic politics, and his extensive work as an author and publisher. I feel that Benjamin Franklin was a brave and and insightful historical character. Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 into a family with nine other siblings. His family eventually ballooned to a total of seventeen.…