“The 2003 California Young Reader Medal goes to Ben Mikaelsen.” That’s right in Ben Mikaelsen has won many awards and has made amazing books such as Petey and Touching Spirit Bear. His articles about Touching Spirit Bear have appeared in many articles of today’s world and in many magazines.
Ben Mikaelsen was born in Bolivia in 1952. He was one of six children and each of the children were adventurous which was up Ben’s alley. He used to think that everybody and everything was the same. People used to bully him in Bolivia and would feel how hard it was listening to the racist comments . He grew up speaking Spanish which would later be harder for him to speak in America. Ben’s parents were very strict and wouldn't let him play
outside if he didn't have good grades . He was never home schooled which was really hard to go to school in Bolivia. He went to boarding school and had a hard time reading and writing. He found his main strength in writing. He told an interviewer, “ I could always put words on a paper,”( Mikaelsen 1). At night in boarding school he would always write even though he was suppose to go to sleep. He once got caught by the master and he threw the batteries out of Ben’s flashlight. Little did the master know that he had a extra pair under the bed. Ben finally moved to Minnesota and gave all of his papers to his teachers.The first grade Ben got was a F and he thought it meant fabulous. When he went to grade school he would always get bullied once again. Everybody would push him on the ground and would call him names.Everyday would be like this. He once tried out for the football team but he didn’t know it was American football. He thought of futbol in South America which is soccer in America. During his tryouts he saw everybody having the ball in their hands which is a foul in soccer. When he got the ball he played it like he would usually play the game of soccer with his feet. Everyone came to him and all tackled him. One day he went to the library and the librarian notice that he was feeling sad. The librarian gave him a book of the name Jonathan Livingston Seagull. The book was about being bullied and how to control it. He read the book nine times in the first two days. He went back to the library because the book was due. Ben wanted to read the story two more times and the librarian let him read the book two more times.He went to the nearby pond and would swan dive into the pond. He started at 5 feet and then went to 50 feet.One time one of the people that went to his school saw him dive and the next day he was bullied and got hurt. In college his english professor would always tell him that he was the best writer out of everyone in Concordia University. The one thing Ben needed to work on was english grammar. Ben is a lover of the outdoors. He lives in the high mountains of Bozeman Montana. “Buffy,” his 750 pound Black bear has been a major influence for his book Touching Spirit Bear. He raised Buffy for 27 years. Ben now visits schools and teaches them how to overcome bullying According to (Scholastic 1)He says “ Go out and live! You can’t pour water from an empty bucket. Experience life and write about.”
Ben Mikaelsen’s drive for making books are to help kids break the barrier zone and come out to truly show themselves. Ben has made Touching Spirit Bear for his Bear Buffy. Buffy had lived with him for 27 years until he died in 2012. It shows how it happens in the book when Cole tries to kill the spirit bear. Buffy died of his body giving up and his spirit went to the skies just like how Cole hurt the spirit bear the spirit went up to the skies.According to ( Mikaelsen 1) it says “ I’m more than just a writer, I’m a speaker with a unique ability to impact children.” His stand against bullies has impacted many children around the world to get out of their comfort zones and show who they really are. Ben has made Touching Spirit Bear for his Bear Buffy. Buffy had lived with him for 27 years until he died in 2012. It shows how it happens in the book when Cole tries to kill the spirit bear.
Ben Mikaelsen is an influential writer for all people that are getting bullied. He’s a person that would stand up for anyone in a bullying situation. His books help people bring their comfort zones out and let their true selves out.He is an award winner and has made amazing books like Petey and Touching Spirit Bear. He wrote Touching Spirit Bear to help people realize that anyone can change.