• Abstract
• Key words
• Introduction:-what differences matter?
• Study:-which model was used?
• Area of analysis:-what was analyzed?
• Project success:-what needs to be done ? and how can production industry improve on quality planning process?
• Project manager:-what is the role of a project manager ? and how can a project manager improve on the quality of planning process?
In the production (farming) industry in Uganda, great attention has been put on small holder farmers to evolve them into commercial farmers. A lot of grants are being released to small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) who have direct touch with farmers as project implementers’. From these studies, I have critically looked at the differences and the problems within the industries, the study model used, and the base assumptions the researchers made. Finally the areas of analysis to enable me use the results as a benchmark for improving project planning in the production (farming) industry.
KEY WORDS: Bench marking, project planning and success and successful project delivery
From the study carried out on bench marking of project planning and success, production organizations were found to be the poorest performers. According to Zwikael,O. and Globerson, S. (2006, PP. 694) these may result from the fact that projects are not part of the regular operation of such companies as they focus much on operations, therefore, their planning is oriented to day-to-day operations planning rather than to project planning.
Secondly, capital investment variation plays a big factor in this performance because it is the determinant of resource availability.
The study uses project management planning (PMPQ) model that analyzed the use of project planning process in the industries (Zwikael, O. and Globerson, S. (2006, PP. 690) by both the project manager and the organization.