Bend it like Beckham is a 2002 British comedy-drama film, which focuses on an Indian family who is strict with their culture and religion. Jess (main character) faces a series of problems in order to achieve her dreams of becoming a professional football player. She had to bend some rules to achieve the goals in the end. I will be supporting this with the following arguments below. Firstly, the title of the film is “Bend it like Beckham” not “Break It like Beckham”. Secondly, I will be examining the time she did break a rule (trip to Germany) and discuss the negative outcomes that came from it and finally, benefits of Jess telling the truth (near the end of the film).
To begin with, the title of the film is “Bend it like Beckham” not “Break It like Beckham”. The title of the movie is a metaphor for bending or challenging rules to achieve one’s goals in life. It does not show anywhere in the whole film that Jess had to break the rules in order to achieve her goals.
Secondly, the onetime Jess did break the rules was when she went to Germany. It showed viewers that she broke the rules which resulted it being disappointing for her dreams and disastrous for her relationships, therefore the film is actually discouraging the breaking of rules in order to achieve goals in life. The game played at Germany ended up in a defeat, and late that night they went clubbing. Jess gets drunk which makes her in a position that Jules dislikes greatly. Jules has had a crush on Joe for a long time and she comes outside and sees Jess and Joe almost kissing.
Finally, the benefits of Jess telling the truth. Near the end of the film Jess’s friend confesses to Jess to get married but she said he was lying. Then Jess admits she got accepted into a university of football and begging to go. She was telling them the truth instead of going along with her friend. When she was in Germany she lied to her parents over the phone this was not her true self she wanted to tell