A bending moment is simply defined as “the algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces which induces bending of an element” (1). The aim of this assignment is to work out the bending moment in a simply supported beam when different concentrated loads are applied to it. A simply supported beam is a structure, usually with a straight profile supported at the ends, often pinned on one side and simply supported or on a roller on the other. There will be three series of loads applied to this beam & the findings will be recorded. The results will then be compared with the theoretical bending moment & the reasons for any variation explained.
The main reason for the experiment to be conducted is to examine, not only the accuracy of the testing equipment, but also the accuracy of bending moment calculations and diagrams compared to a real-world assessment. It will hopefully prove that “the bending moment at a cut section is equal to the algebraic sum of the moments acting to the left or right of the section”. (2)
After this introduction, there will be a little background information about this experiment and its apparatus, followed by a breakdown of the experimental procedure. Then, there will be the displayed results before a comparison with the theoretical results that have been calculated. Finally, while the conclusions are made, I will attempt to explain the reasons for any discrepancy and state how I would improve the process.
(1) The Science Dictionary (2012) http://thesciencedictionary.org/bending-moment/#ixzz2uKaWzF9e (Accessed: 26/02/14)
(2) Momade, H (2011) Shear Force, Bending Moment, Deflection in beams & Strut Apparatus Test http://www.academia.edu/3671106/shear_forc e_bending_moment_deflection_beams_strut_apparatus_test (Accessed: 27/02/14)
When a force is applied perpendicularly to a point at a given distance away from that point, the rotational force that occur is called a moment. “It is