The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate the bending of a bean when loaded at the center of its length and examine its deflection when positioned in two different ways, when the flat side of the beam is support and when the thin side is supported. In addition, try to find linear relationship between the load applied and the deflection of the beam and comparing the experimental deflection with the theoretical deflection.
If the load is applied at the mid- length a=b=L/2 then mid span deflection is: δ = PL3/(48EI).
Where P is the applied force, L is the length of beam, E is the modulus of elasticity of aluminum, and I is the moment of Inertia.
For a beam of rectangular cross section, say of width w and thickness t, the same mid spam deflection of the centrally loaded beam when the flat side is supported, then be compared to that when the thin side is supported. The moment of inertia for the respective situations are given by:
I1 = wt3/12 and I2 = w3t/12
It could be readily verified that the later situation offers less deflection under the same load.
2. Introduction:
In this experiment we tested the deflection of a beam when it is placed with its widest and shortest side of its cross section on the supports. In order to examine the deflection of the beam, we applied the load at the center of its length. In addition, observing the deflection on the beam, we wanted to observe if the behavior of the deflection would be different when the position of the beam changed. After conduction the experiment we conclude that when the beam is positioned with its widest side on the supports, deflection happens faster and as more load is applied the deflection increases.
3. Experimental Procedures and Setup:
Case I: The dimensions of the beam was measured and the cross sectional area and the moment of inertia were calculated. Next, the beam was placed on the stand such that the widest side of the cross section is on the supporters,
References: 1. Activities and Assignments for ENGR 10100: Engineering Design Freshman Design Manual by Gary Benenson, Peter Ganatos, and Michel Ghosn 2. 3.