
Beneatha Younger Character Analysis

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Beneatha Younger Character Analysis
“Like modern racism, modern sexism is characterized by the denial of continued discrimination, antagonism toward women's demands, and lack of support for women (for example, in education and work).” (Swim) A good example of this is when Beneatha Younger was judged and belittled by her family because she was a woman. They did not think that she was competent enough to go to school to be a doctor based solely on the fact she was a female. Another character in the story who acted in a sexist manner towards her was George; he represented an obstacle that Beneatha must face in order to accomplish her goal of becoming a successful female doctor. George is a discouraging figure in Beneatha's life, he constantly puts her down by telling her that he …show more content…
Children in today’s society see their parents, or someone they respect, discriminate against another person or type of people and they are told things about a group of people that is incorrect. For example, if a mother and child are walking down a street together and pass a homeless man, she might make a statement about the man being not good and pull her child closer to her. This is a small act, but it could indefinitely cause the child from that moment on to think a poor, unfortunate man on the side of the road is a bad person simply because of his mother’s viewpoints. This particular viewpoint is not always true but it causes prejudices later on in the child’s life because the child respects his mother and only knows the world based on her views. An example taken from the play “No. Travis, you stay right here. And you make him understand what you doing, Walter Lee. You teach him good. Like Willy Harris taught you. You show where our five generations done come to.” (pg. 1972) Mrs. Johnson is making the point that if Walter grovels to Karl Lindner, the white oppressionist who is attempting to bribe them from buying the home, then he is giving his son, Travis, the impression that he is supposed to do the same thing throughout his life. While watching the movie one could feel the tension and see how critical this scene was. Walter was sweating bullets because at that point in the film he knew Mrs. Johnson was

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