
Beneatha's Dream

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Beneatha's Dream
Throughout history, women were, and oftentimes still are, limited in their freedoms and treated in a biased and discriminatory way. Women had to endure years of life without simple human rights, being controlled by a patriarchal culture and government. They lacked basic privileges to their own bodies, property, and ideas, subjected to living what can be seen as an aimless existence. As women fought for their rights as citizens, they gained voting rights, employment and education opportunities, and control over their own bodies and choices, completely transforming society. Women’s literature often focuses on the struggles that women were faced with throughout history, and puts the conflicts women underwent into relatable, universal ideas and …show more content…
As a young African American woman living just after World War II, Beneatha’s aspirations might already seem challenging, but to add to it, her family’s expectations of her were far below her becoming a doctor. Beneatha’s ambitions were advanced for her, but she was strong-willed and a modern thinker; she knew that women were treated as lesser beings and she wanted to change that- not be someone’s trophy wife. Yet, her family wanted her to settle for the more practical option- marrying up to George Murchison, saying about her dreams, “well, she’ll get over some of this” (50). Her family lacked faith in her ability to break barriers and be a part of history, Beneatha knew better, saying, “Listen, I’m going to be a doctor. I’m not worried about who I’m going to marry yet- if I ever get married” (50). George had no interest in any of her thoughts or desires, saying, “I don’t go out with you…to hear all about your thoughts- because the world will go on thinking what it thinks regardless” (97). He was all about appearances whereas Beneatha wanted to impact the world; she had deep ideas and was hungry for change. Beneatha realized what was important and dismissed George, continuing on in her quest to make a difference in her life and chase her dream career. She teaches an example for women to do as she did and follow their hearts and do what is meaningful to them in life. It may be expected less and less, but in today’s society women are still expected to set their careers, education, and passions aside to start a relationship or a family, although it might mean settling for mediocracy that they don’t want. Lorraine Hansberry knew that women are becoming more independent and aren’t relying on men like they used to, and want

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