I think Benedict Arnold deserves this dishonor as America's greatest traitor. It is true that Arnold helped very much at the Battle of Quebec and Saratoga, getting his leg wounded. Arnold wanted the fame and the money for his country though. Benedict Arnold’s father was an early Patriot, so Arnold probably followed the lead of his father. He wanted to restore his family name to whatever the cost, but instead he ruined it. The James Reed Council had been closely investigating his actions. Benedict Arnold was constantly going to Loyalists’ houses, dancing with the women, and having parties with them. Benedict Arnold used George Washington selfishly, for his own purpose to be in charge of West Point, one of the most important forts for America. In the reply of Washington saying that he wanted to postpone the trial, Arnold said, “Delay in the present case is worse than death.” It was just some time later that he met with Joseph Stansbury, a close Loyalist, to discuss his ideas about joining the British army. There he sent coded messages to John Andre to discuss with Henry Clinton. He plotted a plan to get rid of the American army. Benedict wanted to be on the winning side of the war, so he could get most of the credit. Arnold was even trying to plot more plans when Ande died. He also used Joshua …show more content…
I would talk to him about why he betrayed America and how he could have been a great hero. I do not think he would enjoy hearing about my life because my life is boring compared to his. Arnold likes danger and adventure, though he might enjoy some of my math classes. My favorite character is Margaret Mansfield, because she is so shy and kind, even though she is sometimes taken for granted by Arnold she can get strict like when she thought Arnold had an affair with a Caribbean woman so he had to sleep on the couch until they could rule it all