Arnold received his education at Canterbury. Benedict was a romantic, adventurous, excessively proud and sensitive, ruled by impulse rather then principal. Arnold was employed at a drug store in Norwich until 1762,where he moved to New Haven establishing himself in business. He owned a considerable amount of land, was involved in the West India Trade and sometimes even commanding his own ships. On February22nd, 1767 he married Margaret Mansfield. With Margaret he had three sons, Benedict, Richard, and Henry. Benedict’s wife died on June 19th 1775.
George Washington greatly liked Benedict Arnold and trusted him a lot, so he let Arnold and Ethan Allen try to invade Canada. The conditions were harsh and those conditions set a big problem for Arnold. Some Arnold's men left and took many of the supplies they had to survive but he still had kept his men strong. The main problem toward Arnold's army was the rain, snow, mud and especially hunger. Benedict finally reached St. Lawrence with 600 of his men, and he was commended for his success. Arnold tried to capture Quebec, but heavy rainstorms prevented Arnold and his army to move for three days.
He then led two-attack n these two forts Ticonderoga and Crown Point, which Arnold had captured. These two successful captures had boost