Foundations in Sociology: Society, Structure, Process
Regular Session T2 2012-2013
Instructor: Leslie EhrlichTime: Monday Wednesday and Friday 12:30 – 1:20 p.m.Location: Room 271 Thorvaldson building|Office: Room 258.9 ArtsPhone: 966-7463Office Hours: MWF 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.e-mail:|
Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce students to the subject of sociology by focusing on the structure of society and its institutions. Topics will be centred on the forces that affect the lives of individuals and groups such as the economy, education, religion, politics, the mass media, corporations, government, health care, the justice system, the environment, technological change, and urbanization.
Learning Objectives:
Students will gain an understanding of the following:
1) How to look at the ‘big picture’ when thinking about social problems
2) The connection between institutions, organizations, and everyday life
3) Theories of social inequality and social change
4) Contemporary and ongoing social issues in Canada
5) Critical perspectives on established institutions, ideologies, and forms of social organization
Tepperman, Lorne, Starting Points: A Sociological Journey. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Please note that class attendance is important. For the most part, exam questions will be based on the topics discussed in class.
Mid-term exam (30%)
The mid-term exam will contain questions on theories and concepts introduced during the first half of the course. The mid-term exam will be held on Monday February 11.
Term paper (30%)
Write a short essay identifying a social problem that is important to you and try to use your ‘sociological imagination’ in describing the problem and what it means to you and those around you. Please read the Guidelines for Writing Essays that are posted on Blackboard. The essay should be typed in double spaced format and should be three to five pages in length (not including the title page and bibliography). The essay is due on Wednesday March 27.
Final Exam (40%)
The final exam will cover topics discussed after the mid-term exam. Questions will be related to the issues and problems discussed in class and some of the material in the textbook.