Benefits of Being Privileged
Sarah Emonts
Karen McEwen
Tuesday, October 8th, 2013
Benefits of Being Privileged
Privilege can be defined as a specific right or advantage given or available to only one person or a group of people. Privilege can not be taken but can be given. It is something you are born with and
carry throughout your life but usually reflects on social inequality. Having privilege is not how much
you earn, …show more content…
I chose Seneca College because it was close to home for me and and is so diverse that
I knew I would be accepted and comfortable here. Having class privilege made my decision for
schooling easy because I knew that I would be easily accepted by my roommate, not judged on my
appearance or sexuality, and that I would always have easy access to my cultural food.
I am fortunate enough to live a life with no disabilities. I am very thankful for this because I am
a runner, I love to run. Running helps me to exhale stress, stay fit, and enjoy the out doors. Having this
privilege everyday makes me very blessed and helps me easily accomplish my everyday activities. “I
can ask for help without worrying that people will assume I need help with everything.” (Mullaly,
2010, slide. 13). This quote really affected me because I personally do not like asking for help. It makes
me feel incapable of doing things and that I am constantly annoying people for help. I know how it
feels to be consistently checked in on or watched and it is not a good feeling, therefore I am very …show more content…
Since I have a high level of class privilege I have never really
been discriminated against nor had to deal with it. However, I have been in situations where others
around me were being discriminated against and although they were joking, I realized that it is not okay to laugh because you never know how the other person has taken it. It is also not okay to let that
individual or group say such things and this resulted in having a huge impact on me. After being in this
class for six weeks now and then thinking back to this situation, if I knew then what I know now, I
would have treated this issue very differently and not taken it so lightly. I recognize now that, that
person did not have class privilege or as much privilege as me and probably faces different kinds of
discrimination all the time.
Privilege will always be with us in our everyday lives and it is important to remember and
recognize that there are many different kinds of privilege. These different types of privilege is what
leads to discrimination and the want for class privilege. No matter the type of privilege or how much
privilege you have, you should always be considerate and understanding to those who may not have