November 25, 2013
Dear School Board: As a high school graduate I took the four core classes as well as some electives. I have learned that the electives such as languages, music and art balanced my schedule with light and heavy load classes. Elective classes such as languages help students enrich more knowledge so that they can experience the real world. Therefore, taking elective classes are essential to student’s education. I believe that making school days longer is a good method to fit elective classes in a student’s schedule. Also, having longer hours and more classes will make the students busy and help them to focus more in their schoolwork. In addition, to longer school hours the number of students getting involved in non-related school activity such as drugs, alcohol and early teenage pregnancy will decrease. Furthermore, some students might have to start working in the summer. For example, a student who lives in a low income household has to get a job to be able to support their family. The juniors who are about to become seniors will have to save money to be able to pay off college fees. As volunteering in a major portion of college applications, students can miss golden opportunities of getting an admission to their dream college if they have no volunteering hours. If students were to work and attend school it will be difficult to manage their grades and their job performance. But if the school hours are expanded then students can easily divide their time to focus on school work during the school year and make a commitment to their workplace during the summer. Finally, with this method parents who have low income jobs will not have to pay for summer school. The points that I have listed above will encourage students to take more elective classes during the school day than summer. Students will have more time in their school work and will be able to have a job or volunteer during the summer. Although, parents who can’t afford to send their children to summer school will have no burdens as they will take classes during the school year.
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