College Essay
Everyone has different views on everything. What matters most to people can be based off feelings or experiences. Going to college, being able to provide for myself and others, being myself and having great support systems is what mainly matters to me. I feel as though if I were not able to achieve these goals, I would not be happy. Going to college is a big deal for me. This matters a lot because college determines your career path and sometimes helps find the right career for anyone. College has always been important to be since middle school. I knew that college degrees and knowledge would always be an advantage to getting higher level jobs. …show more content…
Going to college also prepares young adults for the real world. Coming straight from high school to the real world would be stressful because there are so many more responsibilities that we need to prepare for. College also matters a lot to me because everyone in my immediate family has their college degrees and they turned out to be intelligent and successful people. My mother is a single parent who works for HHC ( Health and Hospitals Corporation ) which is one of the biggest health companies. My sister also works for a top banking company. I always looked up to my mom and my sister which is why college means so much to me. I would love to graduate from college and pursue in the counselling field and one day work at a top counselling agency in NYC. Secondly, being able to provide for myself and others also means a lot to me. Being able to provide for myself financially is key to living a good life. With me going to school for psychology or counselling, I would expect the job positions I receive after college to pay enough in order for me to provide for myself and others. Providing for my family especially my mother in the future is important because she would only have me and my siblings to depend on. Providing for people other than family matters as well. Giving people money is not the only way to give back. I believe if one has more than enough of anything, perhaps food, they could donate canned foods to people who do not have enough or anything at all. People donate things like food, water, clothes and even hair to the less fortunate. I believe that is a great thing to do and I intend to donate and give back to others when i am financially stable to provide for others as well, I dislike seeing people who are rich or people who have a surplus amount of anything not giving back or helping others in need out. I believe it is an act of selfishness. However, people in the low and middle classes, such as myself and my family, need to make sure we have food, water, and enough money to keep ourselves alive and able before we give back. Relating this to college, I would not be able to provide for myself and others if I do not have my college degrees in my eyes. People who only have their high school diplomas get paid less than people with a bachelors or masters degree. Being myself is another thing that matters to me a lot.
Being yourself is also key to being happy with yourself, Knowing that you do not have to change yourself to fit into society because people love you for who you are is amazing. People ( especially high school students ) tend to change the way they act around people because they are afraid of being a misfit or being judged. Being comfortable with myself around others will leave me happy in the long run. People who care too much about what society thinks tend to be depressed or feel trapped inside because they are acting, dressing and even talking the way others do and not themselves. Being myself is really important to me because I know i will not drive myself into a depressed or gloomy state. Also, expressing myself how I want is something no one can take away from me. I feel as though everyone should be themselves and be unique instead of trying to fit in or being something they’re not and end up being …show more content…
unhappy. Lastly, having a support system matters most to me.
Everyone needs and deserves a great support system whether it’s close friends or family, Having a support system can sometimes relieve stress. For example, when school or a class is stressing me out, I always tell my mother or my sister and they would help me with my work and if they can’t, they would encourage me to take a quick break and continue because they know I can get past the stress. Support systems should be people who understand the way that you feel and are great listeners. Having friends or family that believe in me as much as I do and sometimes even more gives me the confidence I need to succeed. Support systems can even encourage someone to take bigger steps forward. A good support system would encourage someone to do way more in anything they’re trying to achieve. For instance, If i wanted to only achieve getting my bachelors degree in psychology, my support system who are usually my family would encourage me to get my masters in counselling because they know that I can do so much more. Support systems are very important to have throughout life because there will be some ups and downs and myself and others will not be able to overcome all the downs by
ourselves. In all, I believe going to college, being able to provide for myself and others, being myself and having a great support system is what matters most to me because these are some factors I would need to succeed. Going to college will help me be successful. Also, with having all my degrees, I would be able to provide for myself, my family and others. Being myself is key because pretending to be someone else will lead to disappointment and we are all unique so why not express it? Lastly, support systems encourage me to do better and even take risks that will pay off later in life.