Money is one of the most important reasons that a person goes to college. On average, a person that has just a high-school diploma earns $30,400 per year while a person that gets a bachelor’s degree will earn on average $52,200 per year (Value…). A master’s degree on average will get a person a yearly salary of $62,300 (Value…). Based on the numbers, a formal education is an essential ingredient in today’s society. Going to college and getting four more years of schooling may not be the fun thing to do, but it is a wise choice to help lead one to a more successful life. Some people may say that even though that someone will earn more money by getting a college degree, the cost of college does not equal out the amount of money one will make. While the cost of college is expensive, the difference in money made from a college degree will be able to cover the cost of college over time. The average cost of college tuition plus expenses per year is between $20,000 and $35,000 (U.S. News Staff). Of course that is quite a bit of money that would go into paying for college, but even if a person cannot pay for it at the time or did not get a scholarship, someone could always get a student loan so they can pay
Cited: Gill, Deanna. “Negative Effects of Not Exercising.” n.p. HubPages Inc. 22 Mar. 2011. Web. 3 Nov. 2012. CourseAdvisor. “Benefits of a College Degree.” Washington Post Company. CourseAdvisor Inc. 2010 “Ten Great Reasons to Get a College Degree.” n.p. Yellow Page College Directory. 2011. Web. 6 Dec “The Benefits of a College Degree.” n.p. Hobsons. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. “The Real Benefits of a College Degree.” n.p., Inc. 2009-2012. Web. 7 Dec “Value of Education.” n.p. 2003-2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2012.