The Bengal tiger is a carnivorous, mammal primarily from India. It lives in habitats such as the coniferous Himalayan Forest, the mangroves of the Sunderbans, the hills of the Indian Peninsula, or the forests of Rajasthan and Northern India. At one time Bengal tigers were scattered throughout Asia. Now they are generally found in India and some regions of Bangledesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Myanmar. There is approximately 4,000 alive in the wild now, and about 300 are in captivity in zoos around the world.
Bengal tiger's are one of the largest and most feared cats in the cat family. An adult tiger can weigh any where from 350 to 550 pounds. The adult males weigh an average of 480 pounds, while the females weigh about 300. Their body lengths are between 6 and 9 feet long! A Bengal tiger hunts primarily deer, wild pigs, water buffalo, birds and other small mammals. When driven from hunger a this tiger will eat almost anything. Crocodiles, lizards, fish, and even humans are eaten by a frustrated Bengal tiger. They eat meat and only meat. Their style of attack is differant from the cheetah's and the lion's; who hunt in open habitats. Although it is a heavier predator than that of the lion and cheetah, it averages about 50 deer a year. Bengal tigers need a wide forest-like areas to hunt their prey. They are known to hunt alone, but have been found to hunt in packs. These tigers are semi-nocturnal, because they sometimes hunt at night. They use flying tactics and force their victims by attacking the throat and spine. Tigers aren't successful hunters, they succeed about once out of every ten attempts.
A Bengal tiger is known for its elegant coat and its eyes that seem to stare at you as if you were its prey. Their coat has colors of a reddish tan, shading to white underneath. But the real elegance of its coat is the black stripes which run uneven down its body. Its fur is thick and short. Its facial features consist of long