Course Title: M921- Managing Service Operations in the Evolving Business Environment
Faculty: A. Gervaix
Student Class: MBA - group B
Assessment Title: Benihana Simulation Analysis
Due Date: September 21, 2012 Due Time: Midnight Word Count:
Statement of Authorship
I certify that this assignment is my own work and contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any degree or diploma in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the work. I also understand that under no circumstances should any part of this assignment be published, including on the internet, or publicly displayed without receiving written permission from the University.
Signed Chao Huang
Student number GIHE 304126 Name Chao Huang
Benihana Simulation Analysis
Group B
Master of Business Administration 2012/2013
Managing Service Operations in the Evolving Business Environment
Mr. Alain Gervaix
Glion Institute of Higher Education
September 20, 2012
Introduction Benihana simulation is a system that helps students to come up with a reasonable strategy to optimize the decisions. This simulation system provides students a chance to be pretended as the operator of the restaurant and make several crucial decisions on many large aspects. It also motivates you to think about the size and capacity of the bar and dining tables, whether you will use batching for customers, how quickly you would like to treat your customers , how much money you would like to spend on advertising budget and how to spend that money. There are 5 individual challenges for this simulation; each challenge has some options that can be adjusted. This simulation was a great way to help students to
References: (2012). A Note on Process Analysis. Darden Business Publishing. Advertising Strategy. (2012). Retrieved 9 17, 2012, from Notes: (2012). Queueing Theory. Havard Business School. Hassin, R. (2002). To Queue or not to Queue: Equilibrium Behavior in Queueing Systems. Tel Aviv. SerfozoK. Deb & Richar F.Rajak. (1973). Optimal Control of Batch Service Queues. Oswego, New York, United States.