"Fascism, the more it considers and observes the future and development of humanity quite apart from political considerations of the moment, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace” (Modern History Sourcebook: Benito Mussolini: What is Fascism, 1932). Italy, the recently unified country of the 1920s, was in a very difficult period of time after the peak of the First World War. Only one leader managed to emerge from this period establishing himself as "Il Duce" and making Italy a personal empire. This man was Benito Mussolini. Benito was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is recognized with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism. …show more content…
There was dispute over whether or not involvement was necessary or beneficial, and the Socialist Party opposed the addition of Italian Arms to the forces of the Allies. Benito Mussolini, a well- known Socialist journalist, originally agreed with his party in regards to the war, but several months after the war started he changed his mind and left the Socialist Party. Mussolini kept his power by forming an alliance with Germany, having strict censorship laws, and establishing a Fascism regime that focused on nationalism, the army and …show more content…
Because Italy lacked raw materials, a large domestic market and an established trade system, this led to a post war recession. Many Italians, including Mussolini, felt that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair because not much was given to the Italians. This gave rise to nationalistic power and set up Mussolini's dictatorship four years later. In October 1922, the well-known March on Rome occurred. The March on Rome was a coup d'état by which Mussolini's National Fascist Party came to power in Italy. Mussolini commanded his forces from a post in Milan and ordered them to seize power in Rome. King Victor Emmanuel feared the March on Rome would lead to a civil war; therefore, he gave Mussolini the post of Prime Minister. As the new Prime Minister, he steadily changed the government into a dictatorship. Between 1925 and 1927, he began to consolidate his dictatorship by getting rid of all opposing press and non-fascist parties. He also created the OVRA, a secret police force, and made the government entirely fascist. By this time, people began to call him “Il Duce”, meaning