Have you ever heard about Benjamin Banneker? Well, he is an amazing scientist that has tremendously impacted the world of Science. To start off, Benjamin Banneker was born on November 9, 1731, he was born in Baltimore County, Maryland. Unfortunately, he died in October 9, 1806 at the age of 74. As a child Benjamin attend a nearby Quaker school for several seasons. An unsual circumstance from his childhood is that he taught himself literature, history, and mathematics. As you can tell life in the 1800’s was very hard for an African American.…
Ben Franklin died 1790 and was born 1709. He also invented thing like the Franklin Stove, the first lightning rod, and the library. He also invented the first wooden flippers while in England. Finally, Ben Franklin signed the Treaty of Paris to give America the rights it has now.…
Benjamin played many roles in Philadelphia, New York, England, and France. Ben helped us in many ways with his pamphlets and quotes. Most of his inventions and scientific research is used today. But, from his first to his last years, Ben’s inventions and theories are used everywhere today. Benjamin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts.…
Similar to Mather, Ben’s profession was chosen by his parents. He did what was expected of him without question. They were both knowledgeable and became adults at a young age. The taught themselves a great amount and overcome struggles.…
Benjamin Banneker was born on November ninth in 1731. He was born in Ellicott’s Mill, Maryland to former slave Robert and the daughter of a former English indentured servant Mary Banneky. Because both of his parents were free, he was not subject to slavery. He gained an education when he was younger from his grandmother on his mother’s side. Afterwards, he attended a Quaker school for a while. Even though Banneker was, for the most part, a self-educated student, he was still able to succeed academically on his own.…
What were the two key institutions of the African American slave community? How did they function, and what beliefs did they express?…
When thinking of Benjamin Franklin, two thoughts come to my mind. His part in the founding of electricity due to his experiments with the kite and the key was engraved in my head from a young age. Also, the familiar face found at the center of possibly my favorite piece of paper I could have in my wallet at any time. But what lead to Benjamin Franklin being a figure so known and idolized, not only in early British American history but, in our world today? The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin outlines the life of a proclaimed self made man whose knowledge and hard work lead him to be a powerful and admired public figure in British North America. By implementing Toby Ditz’s idea surrounding masculinity that “the larger gender order within which masculinity is embedded is also fundamentally about…
Charles Drew was born June 4, 1903, in Washington D.C. He was an African American surgeon, medical researcher, and innovator. Drew grew up in Washington, D.C. His family was of the middle class. Drew’s mother was a teacher, and his father was a carpet layer. As a child, Drew showed great athletic talent. He won several medals for swimming in his elementary years, and later started playing other sports, such as: football, basketball, and track. Drew’s athletic abilities led to him receiving an athletic scholarship Amherst College. While at Amherst he was a star athlete on the track and football team. However, his grades were not as impressive. Originally, Drew had no plans at all get a career in the medical field, that changed later on in college. His…
A leader in the field of medicine that truly inspired me to gravitate towards a career in medicine is retired neurosurgeon Benjamin Carson. Benjamin Carson an african-american neurosurgeon and was the first neurosurgeon to separate conjoined twins. HOwever, I’m not inspired by Carson’s achievement, I am greatly inspired by his story on how he was able to achieve success. Dr. Carson was raised by a single mother, in a very tough society. He always struggled with school, and especially his anger. His mother urged him to work hard, and go to the library to read books. Although after a lot of continuous nagging, Carson eventually listened to his mother and began to read books at the library. HE began to see the beauty of knowledge, and education. He began to see the beauty of life itself.…
In Andrew’s younger years, Bauer describes her son with some normal and eccentric qualities. He had no problem with being educated in the classroom, but lacked other skills. “The things he couldn’t…
Benjamin Spock was born in May 2, 1903. He was born to a family of six siblings, he was the eldest. He was a pediatrician, family doctor, and psychiatrist. At the age of 21 his father was an attorney and he was attending Yale to obtain his undergrad. while attending Yale University he was also a part of the 1924 Olympics crew team and assisted in obtaining the Gold Medal. this same year Spock transferred to Columbia University's Medical School. He also studied at a university in New York and studied for Psychiatric specialty. Three years later he gets married to Jane Chaney who he had met in Yale university and had 2 children later divorced her after 48 years of marriage. During their time as a married couple he attended New York university and went into private practice for medicine from 1933 to 1943. Afterwards he was called into war for the U.S. Naval Reserve. After Three years of war he returned to society as a Lieutenant Commander. upon his return in 1946 he had also written and published the world famous manual to raise babies which was names, "Baby and Child Care." This book sold 50 millions. this book also became translated into 30 different languages. This book established him as a well informed person about baby and children which made him one of the greatest pediatricians to publish. He obtained a position at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School in 1951as a Professor of Child Development. Later he moved to Ohio and Obtained a job in child development within Case Western University. this was the end of his child development affiliated life.…
One of the over-arching themes in Franklin 's Autobiography is that of self-improvement. Franklin intends for his own experience to serve as a model for others. Discuss key ways that Franklin presents his story as an illustration of self-improvement. Is he successful in the attempt? What motivates him toward this attempt? Does he strike you as a self-promoter or a genuinely benevolent man desirous of helping others? In your answer, use specific examples from the book to illustrate your points.…
November 2003. I jump through the hole in the Button as a last resort. I don’t want to lose the game of hide-and-seek that my brother and I started to entertain ourselves during Homecoming. November 2008. I laugh as I race around the Button, attempting not to get tagged. We’re older now, but the energy is still there, just like it is every Homecoming. September 2015. I stand with my college tour group and smile at that Button, thinking of the memories it holds and the new ones it will help create. I turn to the statue of Benjamin Franklin and look around at the institution he created. It’s then that I make a decision several years in the making. I’m going to be Benjamin Franklin. Sound crazy? Let me explain.…
In order to write her story I interviewed the lady to collect the information she remembers. According to what she can remember she told me that she had been trying to have a baby for 10 years so she was really happy to find out that she was expecting a baby. monica was 42 years old when she conceived molly. Due to her age and her diabetes she was a high risk pregnancy. During her pregnancy she became insulin dependent and had to visit the doctors office twice a week leading up to the final weeks of pregnancy. She also described to me how the nurses advised her to eat healthy and to not eat to many sweets. She told me that in her preparation for the baby’s arrival she had a baby shower and received the things she needed for the baby’s first couple months. she set up a crib and blankets for the expected baby.…
This story is about a black man named Benjamin Carson, who started as young boy who struggled and became a neurosurgeon. Detroit, Michigan, some call it the slums, some call it the ghetto but it has been named one of the most dangerous cities in America. Ben Carson, born September 18th, 1951 lived in Detroit. As a young eight year old, him and his brother Curtis, who was ten, struggled in school. In school Ben was teased because he failed a lot of tests. But his mother having a third grade education, made him and his brother work hard. Ben’s life was not easy growing up. His mother Sonya Carson grew up poor in Tennessee, also was the next to youngest of twenty-four children. She was thirteen when she met Ben’s father. He promised her “to rescue her from her sad situation and take her north to Detroit” (Chapter 1, pg. 9). Ben’s father spoiled Sonya and because of that she became skeptical of the money he was getting. She believed he was involved in drugs, which he was, and she also found out he had another family and wife and made him leave the house. This was Ben’s first encounter with hard times. Ben did not want his father to leave saying “If Daddy did something wrong, why can’t you just forgive him and let him come home?”(Chapter 1, pg. 8). This separation from her husband hit her hard and she eventually went for help. She told her two boys that she was making “visits to relatives” but it wasn’t until the two boys were older that they found out she was checking “herself into a mental hospital for treatment of depression and emotional stress.”(Chapter 1, pg. 13). As that time went on that their mother was away Ben was making improvements in school and becoming a better student. One thing Ben occasionally had a problem with was his temper; he had many altercations, even one that could have put him in jail for the rest of his teen years. That situation was when he almost killed his best friend Bob. That was the moment Ben knew he had a temper…