History 1301
Final Review
One phrase that comes to mind after reading and comparing the lives, beliefs, and character of Fredrick Douglass and Benjamin Franklin is, two men that "shared a similar journey but walked different paths". Similarities started early on in both men's lives that ultimately shaped their beliefs and values, and molded their characters. Both men grew up being deprived to certain extents of having a full education. Unlike Benjamin Franklin, Fredrick Douglass held little to no rights early in life being held as a slave and deemed as property to a master. Fredrick Douglass was introduced to education by his mistress and from the moment of being introduced, education was something that he held dear to him and always sought after. Similar in circumstance, Benjamin Franklin too was held hostage from an education to pursue a trade, but he too always had a sense of self improvement and progress. Both men were in surroundings of a deprived environment when it comes to the subject of education. During this time, it was more common for African Americans to be removed from the nature of learning. All in all both men being held back, and restricted, lead them to becoming self taught and successes in their individual fields. …show more content…
When I mention the phrase of these men walking different paths, I refer to their upbringing and their deiffernt views of themselves and the world. Both men viewed themselves as vessels to lead change. Benjamin Franklin recognized that he first had to change himself first, then went on to change others. His life being a failure by his standards and those around him, Franklin decided to create a model of truths or virtures he measured his change by. He in turn wanted the world he lived in to reflect such change. Franklin went on to be a man in politics, an inventor, and