individuals would have surely given up on their dreams after experiencing all the challenges that Franklin had endured. Even though he didn’t have much money, Franklin took on a printing job and invested all that he had in hopes of achieving success. Needless to say, his likeable personality plus his ability to make social connections eased his path towards fulfilling his long desired aspirations.
Furthermore, Franklin’s ambition to realize the “American Dream,” proved to be difficult yet not impossible. He arrived with nothing to an unfamiliar place determined to imprint his name and leave his legacy behind. Franklin affirmed in his biography, “being our First Fruits and coming so seasonably, gave me more Pleasure than any Crown I have since earn’d.” (510) His first dollar earned gave him a sense of pride as well as representing hopefulness for his future; it gave him pleasure and pushed him to endure his journey towards prosperity. Many people still have these types of reactions after they earn their first dollar. Indeed the feeling of earning the initial income doesn’t compare to any future compensations.
Lastly, aside from the characteristics mentioned above, the fact that Franklin hid his true self from others proved to be a fundamental decision regarding ensuring victory; top of his list were: moving up the social ladder and reaching triumph as a business man.
Evidently throughout his biography, Franklin constantly demonstrated that he worked on improving himself in order to be seen as a man of the Enlightenment. Several people are still using this particular trait nowadays. In order to move up in the world they pretend to be somebody that they are not. Although this is a dishonest move and character trait, it most likely leads certain people to assuring their goals are met. In this world, individuals are constantly being tempted to change themselves in order to fit in or move up in the