The ingenuity …show more content…
He said, “Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” (Poor Richard’s Almanac), to support his idea of daylight savings time. The most incredible things is that he promoted the value of those quotes in day to day life. His invention of daylight savings time revolutionized economic production. (Block)He calculated that if everyone in Paris who walked around at night would go to bed 6 hours earlier, 64 million pounds of candle wax would be saved every 6 months (Block 39). This also applies to his quote, “Waste neither time nor money but make the best of both” (McCormick). He applied this quote by creating one of the most tenacious and hardworking schedules any person has ever lived by day to …show more content…
Even at the end of his life he never stopped fighting. One of his most memorable quotes from this period of his life was, “No gains without pains,” (McCormick). He was so sick that sometimes he needed to be carried into Constitutional meetings (Wright). Even on his deathbed, Franklin never stopped being the moral driven man he was throughout his life. When deciding how Congress should be organized, Franklin saw a bunch of men not giving ground, trying to get as much as they could for their colony. Franklin decided not to seek for power over others (Marcum). Franklin was the first to propose that the number of representatives in the House would be based on population to satisfy large states, and that the number of Senate members would be equal from each state to satisfy small states (Block). After seeing America fully complete, Ben Franklin died on April 17th,