I like how you found it so interesting Benjamin and you always bring up interesting perspectives. Because all I could see was a man who was kind of tyrant sexually by the way the narrator explained the situation but he did have another side of him your right he was extremely worried and helpful with her situation.
I did find the story a little unrealistic as well for them not to be able to find the source of blood but I personally was born with a hernia and not a single doctor could figure that out until I was 14.
Yes the animal was shocking but it was just a story but could be based on a real life parasite.
Benjamin you are so funny once again traumatized …show more content…
And your right he was probably a little delirious from the venom. Brian Woodard’s Review for Benjamin on Sunstroke
The story was definitely longer in length and not as eventful as the others but the dogs, perspective was very interesting. Yes the heat really bothered me. When I take a bus to Mexico I cant stand some of the unbearable heat that I have to tolerate on the way to my city but most Mexican cities are built in the mountains with cool constant temperatures so we don’t have to deal with these constant unbearable weather like in Dallas now. All I could think of that’s all the man knew and probably didn’t think much of the heat because that was probably his life and he had been working in the heat his entire life.
I didn’t find this story of a natural death as interesting as the venom induced death as mentioned in drifting but dogs are very intuitive. It is said that dogs can smell cancer in urine from a mile away.
The workers probably didn’t think much of the situation because they probably knew he was just a messy alcoholic. Yes you have to be very careful with horses he should have been a stricter