Bennet Omalu discovered Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) in a former NFL player, Mike Webster. CTE is a progressive brain degenerative disease that is caused by repetitive brain trauma. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy can affect who has had multiple brain injuries and may be any age. CTE can only be diagnosed through an autopsy but, tests can be done to determine if a person might have it. Some of the symptoms of CTE include cognitive impairment, impulsive behaviors, apathy, short-term memory loss, difficulty planning and carrying out tasks, emotional instability, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts or behavior. (Mayo Clinic) Because Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is only diagnosable through autopsy all of the symptoms are unclear. (Mayo Clinic) Other possible symptoms may include irritability, aggression, speech and language difficulties, dysphagia, motor impairment, vision and focusing problems, olfactory abnormalities, and dementia. These symptoms happen not only because the brain is literally deteriorating but because people with CTE have an abnormal buildup of a protein in their brain called nau. (Boston University) Right now there is not a true treatment or cure for chronic traumatic encephalopathy but doctors suggest that cutting back on physical activities might help reduce symptoms. Prevention for CTE is basically to take concussions very seriously and always take precautions in contact sports. (Mayo…