The “Benoni Mine Incident” is a situation that encompasses an episodic case of illegal mining that took place in South Africa. A rescue operation was set in motion in February of 2014 at an abandoned mine shaft near Johannesburg in attempt to rescue a number of illegal mine workers. It was first thought they were trapped due to a rockslide, but was later revealed that a rival crew of illegal miners had trapped them in there. In the beginning reports first suggested that there were 200 trapped and were later estimated to it actually being 30. After several miners were rescued, word had gotten back to the rest of the miners below that they were being arrested and the remaining illegal workers refused to leave the mine in fear of also being arrested. Ultimately some 30 workers had been arrested for being involved in illegal criminal activity. These crimes include illegal mining, trespassing, theft, illegal entry into the country, and can even be linked to organized crime. The South African government reports that 14,000 individuals have been linked to organized crime syndicates involving illegal mining. This industry is estimated to be valued at $570 million yearly. This industry is linked to South Africa’s history and economics; there first company was established in 1846. A gold rush was created once diamonds and gold were discovered in the late 1800’s. The industry helped the country flourish in the 1900’s. Revenue was helped to purchase oil and machines to run manufacturing factories. Gold mining peaked in 1970 when South Africa accounted for 68% of global production, but in 2012 it only counted for 6%, they currently rank as the 5th largest producer in the world. Although the decline, mining remains an important part of their economy, they are the largest producer of chrome, platinum and other minerals. In 2013, the nation’s GDP totaled $350.6 billion, and mining accounted for $17.5 billion, or 5% of GDP. It is illegal to
The “Benoni Mine Incident” is a situation that encompasses an episodic case of illegal mining that took place in South Africa. A rescue operation was set in motion in February of 2014 at an abandoned mine shaft near Johannesburg in attempt to rescue a number of illegal mine workers. It was first thought they were trapped due to a rockslide, but was later revealed that a rival crew of illegal miners had trapped them in there. In the beginning reports first suggested that there were 200 trapped and were later estimated to it actually being 30. After several miners were rescued, word had gotten back to the rest of the miners below that they were being arrested and the remaining illegal workers refused to leave the mine in fear of also being arrested. Ultimately some 30 workers had been arrested for being involved in illegal criminal activity. These crimes include illegal mining, trespassing, theft, illegal entry into the country, and can even be linked to organized crime. The South African government reports that 14,000 individuals have been linked to organized crime syndicates involving illegal mining. This industry is estimated to be valued at $570 million yearly. This industry is linked to South Africa’s history and economics; there first company was established in 1846. A gold rush was created once diamonds and gold were discovered in the late 1800’s. The industry helped the country flourish in the 1900’s. Revenue was helped to purchase oil and machines to run manufacturing factories. Gold mining peaked in 1970 when South Africa accounted for 68% of global production, but in 2012 it only counted for 6%, they currently rank as the 5th largest producer in the world. Although the decline, mining remains an important part of their economy, they are the largest producer of chrome, platinum and other minerals. In 2013, the nation’s GDP totaled $350.6 billion, and mining accounted for $17.5 billion, or 5% of GDP. It is illegal to