In Beowulf, the narrator states, “Follower and the strongest of the Geats, greater/ And stronger than anyone anywhere in this world…(108-111).” This clearly shows Beowulf is a magnificent warrior with immense strength. He was believed to be the greatest warrior to walk the Earth. Achilles was a feared for all his power. Hector states, “I will no longer fear you as before…(74).” The people truly were scared of him. Achilles’ god- like strength made him respected for his power, but feared for his
In Beowulf, the narrator states, “Follower and the strongest of the Geats, greater/ And stronger than anyone anywhere in this world…(108-111).” This clearly shows Beowulf is a magnificent warrior with immense strength. He was believed to be the greatest warrior to walk the Earth. Achilles was a feared for all his power. Hector states, “I will no longer fear you as before…(74).” The people truly were scared of him. Achilles’ god- like strength made him respected for his power, but feared for his