This movement had begun to offset the East and the West and eventually created resentment within the East towards the West. The East saw no other resolution besides to build a wall that would create a separation between the two areas. On August 13, 1961 East Germany and its soldiers had constructed a wall to separate East and West Germany. This had separated many families and a ton of controversy and eventually on November 9, 1989 the wall was torn down. From 1961 to 1989 the Berlin Wall created many problems through Germany but the tearing down of the wall allowed for unification within Germany, the end of communism, and a prosperous Germany (Berlin Wall, Berlin).
The Building of the Berlin Wall a result of three things: to help stabilize the East Germans, keep people from fleeing from the East to the West, and to attempt to maintain the East’s communist state. Since the western life was better and the East Germans needed to keep the professionals in their city, the government closed the frontier between the two states in 1958. By July 1961, an average of 30,000 East Germans were fleeing to the west each month. Most of these refugees who left the East were young skilled workers. Obviously,