Bravery, confidence, and compassion are what made Monty a great military leader. Monty’s bravery at the battle of Ypres showed that he was brave even when it was difficult. On the outbreak of war in 1914, Montgomery found himself in the first battle of Ypres. He conducted himself with great bravery – nearly dying after leading a bayonet charge on enemy. (Pettinger)He was seriously wounded when he was shot in the chest when he went to lead the charge. His display of bravery in this battle showed that he was not one to back down from adversity. He led the charge despite the odds and nearly died because of it. His sense of bravery was rewarded with the presentation of the DSO (Distinguished Service Order) his leadership and bravery in an assault upon a German trench. Monty was a truly brave commander because he took chances and stood for his choices. Monty was very confidence in himself. His soldiers that he commanded saw that and were very enthusiastic with him commanding them. “His outstanding characteristics were his professional thoroughness in planning set-piece battles and the projection of his self-confidence so as to arouse enthusiasm among his troops.” Alan Palmer (C N). Monty had so much confidence that when his soldiers saw him and what he was doing it in turned gave them confidence and made them enthusiastic. “Bernard Montgomery was uncompromisingly single-minded. The most conspicuous of all his attributes was his unshakable confidence in himself, an infectious quality which rapidly spread throughout all ranks in the armed forces and among the general public.” Norman Kirby (C N). This shows that Monty was so confidence in himself that his troops and public noticed and it began to inspire them. Monty’s self-confidence is one of the traits that made him an amazing leader. Monty’s compassion to his troops is another trait that made him a great leader. " The higher staffs were out of touch with the regimental officers and with the troops. The former lived in comfort, which became greater as the distance of their headquarters behind the lines increased. There was no harm in this provided there was touch and sympathy between the staff and the troops. This was often lacking.” (Pettinger) This inspired Monty to know his troops and train them to be prepared. “The frightful casualties appalled me. “The so-called “good fighting generals” of the war appeared to me to be those who had a complete disregard for human life.” (Pettinger) Monty was so surprise that the casualties were so high that he made the effort to try and keep the number as low as he could. Monty sent numerous letters to his mother during the Battle of the Somme. On July 4, he wrote, “We have had big casualties; motor ambulances with wounded go through our present village all day and night. I don’t know our total losses but they must of course be very large.” (Barbier) During the five-month period Monty would begin to realize that the army was wasting human lives. He then became determined to minimize the figure by teaching his troops how to function in a battle. As a result of this and many other experiences he had in WW1. He wanted to change the approach to war that Britain had.” It proved to be an uphill battle fraught with many obstacles. His confidence, abrupt manner, and willingness to replace any subordinates who were not up to his standards gained Monty enemies who hindered his advancement and his ability to implement his ideas about training.” (Barbier) Even though it was hard for Monty to change the way, the army fought. He still did it because he cared about every single one of his soldiers. Monty was a great leader because he possessed compassion for his troops. Monty was one of the greatest military leaders of his time because he possessed three traits that made him a great leader.
He was brave in battle, confidence in his choices, and was compassionate about his troop’s safety. Throughout history, there were many great military leaders like Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Alexander the Great. Bernard Montgomery is one of the greatest military leaders in history. His bravery in leading a bayonet charge that nearly resulted in his death showed that Monty was very brave. In addition, his confidence in himself that inspired his troops to be better. Finally, he was very caring and compassionate towards his troops. He went out of his way to meet his troops and he fought to change the way the British approached war. All three of these traits showed what an amazing leader he was. Leaders are the ones that people look up to. Leaders cannot be cowardly, insecure, or calloused. Monty was none of those things he cared about his soldiers. He was brave and was very confident in himself. Monty was a great military leader because he had all of these