
Best kept secret of the church

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Best kept secret of the church
1. What is the “best kept secret” of the church? Why?
According to the clip, the “best kept secret” of the church is the Church’s Catholic Social Teachings. It is God's special love for the poor and called God's people to a covenant of love and justice. I think it is the best kept secret of the church because the church has helped the poor in many ways and because of authoritative statements—whether from church or government—have less attraction today than acts of authentic witness. Also is it will also make social issues which will make the Catholic church receive not so good comments so they do not let other people know the secret of the church. And doing good doesn’t need to be rewarded by other people, but to be rewarded by God alone.
2. Give at least 5 issues presented by the clip.
a. Poverty because many Filipinos are “kapos” and uneducated
b. Concentration of Wealth
Because the poor thinks they are poor, they remain poor.
c. Environmental Abuse
The continuity of illegal logging that makes the Earth worse.
d. Inequality in land distribution
There are many informal settlers in our country because they don’t have their own land and they can’t buy because they don’t have that kind of money.
e. Social inequality
The government doesn’t entertain the poor people because they know that they won’t gain anything from them, and the higher people or rich people help but only a few times.

3. Church responses/actions on the given issues.
a. Poverty
In our recent times, the church response to this by having an outreach program or sometimes ask for donations to offer foods for those who are in need.
b. Concentration of Wealth
Because the poor doesn’t think they can survive and have a better life if they work, they don’t work. But then the church gives seminar to help those people to carry on with their lives so they don’t have any more excuses.
c. Environmental Abuse
Due to the continuation of the doings of the illegal loggers, the church and its

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