WR 122
Kathleen Bustamante
Assignment # 2
April 28, 2014
Discipline vs. Punishment
Child discipline is something that we have all experienced personally in different forms, seen used on others, and is also to some degree what many of us will go on to practice later in life with our own children. Each person has their own opinion on what discipline is and how it should be used on children. The Webster dictionary defines discipline as “training to ensure proper behavior: the practice or methods of teaching and enforcing acceptable patterns of behavior.” Nowhere in this definition does it condone physical punishment, or say you need to use harsh and malicious strategies to acquire the behavior you seek. Discipline of children should be used in a positive manner, to encourage appropriate conduct, rather than be used as reprimand and physical punishment, because discipline is meant to help teach and guide children to act properly in accordance with the rules.
We all have our own definition of what discipline is and its appropriate use. “The word Discipline is derived from the word Disciple, which means the follower of a teacher”(Meyer). A teacher educates through examples and guidance rather than punishment. Modeling appropriate behaviors and enlightening children on natural consequences are lessons teachers will instill on their students. “We say we want to teach our children proper behavior and help them develop self-discipline. Yet instead, we have adopted strategies that are the direct opposite of teaching and instead are just clever guises of manipulation and control.” (Tsabary) Many people believe that the only way to get the response or action they expect from children is through physical discipline and threats. People who believe this to be the only answer are uneducated and inexperienced with disciplining children.
Discipline, like guidance, should be predictable for children using undesirable behavior. Every action has a corresponding
Cited: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/shefali-tsabary/why-everything-we-know-about-discipline-is-wrong_b_4711010.html http://ezinearticles.com/?Discipline-Vs-Punishment---Is-There-a-Difference?&id=2327951 http://childparenting.about.com/od/behaviordiscipline/a/What-Child-Discipline-Is-And-What-It-Is-Not.htm http://www.stophitting.com/index.php?page=factsnfiction http://madamenoire.com/40373/8-reasons-to-spank-your-kids/9/