Soon Ty and Gemma find themselves being hunted by a gang of outlaws who roam the underwater territories causing havoc. Ty’s biggest Enteral Conflict in this story would be, when his outlaws attacked his homestead and Ty finds himself in a fight to save the only home he has ever known. This problem is solved with Ty going and receiving information and also fighting for his homestead.Ty’s biggest internal conflict would be when he was joined by Gemma, a girl from the Topside who has come to Subsea to look for her brother.Ty ventures into the frontiers rough underworld and discovers some dark secrets to dark life which were Secrets that threaten to destroy everything. These conflicts are really solved by Ty leaving and fighting for what he loves. Gemma had to do the same to get her brother back . “Just seeing the crash cart peripheral vision made my stomach flop like a hooked cod” pg 132 is a form of imagery. Its imagery because by the author explains what's going on in this chapter,we can picture the crash in our mind while we are reading the passage. “But there was no sign of the East Coast,just a sheer drop into darkness “ describes imagery as well because the author is speaking on how dark it was down there in the sea and the kinds of things that's was being heard down on the seafloor. These two examples relate to the story by the meaning of the quotes and what was pictured from those two quotes.The stories life and feelings help you really picture what the author is trying to tell us and what she saw it almost feels like we're in the story, while we read on.
Gemma is Ty’s friend in the story she is the one who always wants to go out and find different things to do.
She always wants to try new things and doesn't really think about what could go wrong and what could happen. Well one afternoon in the sea (that is where they live ) Gemma, told her older brother to go out and find her some new things to do and come back. Also he was told to tell her about the things he found. This time time around her brother didn't come back, she went out looking for him and found out that there land has been invaded, that he’d been taken. Gamma was really scared because she didn't know what could happen to her brother. At the end of the book she finds her brother and she is revealed that she finds her brother. Gemma learns that she needs to think before she does anything,she never know what could happen to her or her
Dark Life by Kat Falls, is a great book boys and girls. This book is my favorite because it relates to life problems and all kinds of problems that boys and girls have today. Male and Female would like this book because boys like to go out and do different types of thing that they have no business doing. This book is mostly based on adventure and caring for your family. Girls would also like this book because there are parts in the story where Ty and Gemma start liking each other and starts talking about their life together before and after they became close.