Either through contact with the juvenile legal system, or suspension from their schools, or problems at home with their parents, the young girls were all behaving inappropriately. Most of the girls adapted their behavior by the end of their stay with San Bernardino County. At least to the extent that they knew when to remain quiet and to not draw negative attention from the officers and inmates. One girl in particular--Ashley--did not change to appropriate behavior, and remained disrespectful and brash. Several of the young women were also portraying disregard for acceptable behavioral norms. The youngest of the group was knowingly allowing herself to be statutorily raped, engaging in sex with much older men at only thirteen years old. The most troublesome of the participants was involved in gang activity. Although, it was a family trend, with her mother and brother’s involved as well, it might have been more a social norm within the context of her immediate
Either through contact with the juvenile legal system, or suspension from their schools, or problems at home with their parents, the young girls were all behaving inappropriately. Most of the girls adapted their behavior by the end of their stay with San Bernardino County. At least to the extent that they knew when to remain quiet and to not draw negative attention from the officers and inmates. One girl in particular--Ashley--did not change to appropriate behavior, and remained disrespectful and brash. Several of the young women were also portraying disregard for acceptable behavioral norms. The youngest of the group was knowingly allowing herself to be statutorily raped, engaging in sex with much older men at only thirteen years old. The most troublesome of the participants was involved in gang activity. Although, it was a family trend, with her mother and brother’s involved as well, it might have been more a social norm within the context of her immediate