2 0 1 2 - 1 3Contents1.Letter to Shareholders22.Board of Directors33.Management Committee44.Corporate Organisational Structure65.Corporate Profile86.Year at a Glance157.Awards188.Directors’ Report19– Management Discussion and Analysis25– Brief Resume of Directors62–Corporate Governance64–Conservation of Energy91– Statement Pursuant to Section 212 of the Companies Act, 195693–Independent Auditors’ Report94–Comments of C&AG1009.Annual Accounts (Standalone)101– Audited Accounts with Cash Flow Statement & Notes103–Significant Accounting Policies12010.Subsidiary Companies147Bharat Heavy Plate and Vessels Limited–Directors’ Report149–Auditors’ Report162–Comments of C&AG167– Audited Accounts with Cash Flow Statement & Notes168–Significant Accounting Policies186BHEL Electrical Machines Limited–Directors’ Report197–Auditors’ Report199–Comments of C&AG203– Audited Accounts with Cash Flow Statement & Notes204–Significant Accounting Policies21511.Consolidated Financial Statements221–Independent Auditors’ Report223– Audited Accounts with Cash Flow Statement & Notes225–Significant Accounting Policies24312.Additional Information for Stakeholders259–Ten Years Financials261– Net Income under US GAAP263– Economic Value Added (EVA)265–Value Addition Statement266–Performance Annual Plan267–Contribution to Exchequer267–Product Profile268–BHEL in India277–Global Business27813.Business Responsibility Report of BHEL: 2012-1328014.Notice28515.Corporate Social Responsibility295
Letter to Shareholders
Dear Shareholders,
The past year has been a defining one for your company BHEL as we became a ‘Maharatna’ company, crossed ` 50,000 Crore turnover mark and achieved the highest ever addition of 10,340 MW to India’s electricity generation capacity while navigating through one of the most difficult economic and business environment of our times. Despite a challenging environment for Indian industry, your