BHM415 - Topics in Health Care Policy
Module 4 - CBA
For our fourth Case Assignment, we are to suppose that we are a health care provider and that over a lengthy dinner conversation, a person across the table argues that patients do not receive good medical care if they don't have much money. We are to do the following during this dinner conversation A) First explain the basic intent of Consumer Driven Healthcare Plan to that person in our own words, B) Identify at least one argument against Consumer Driven Healthcare Plan, and lastly C) Based on our own research, summarize how the National Health Care plan recently adopted by Congress will impact Consumer Driven Healthcare Plan. The purpose of the Consumer Driven Healthcare Plan creates incentives for consumers to become more concerned about the cost of their care and more knowledgeable about their own health and the array of providers. (Hughes-Cromwick) What is nice about these plans is that they often include a health fund or account for covered medical expenses and depending on the type of account, any unused money from the previous year may be moved over annually to cover health expenses in following years. This may actually occur for the length of their membership in the plan. Simply put, consumer-directed healthcare is healthcare where patrons, not third party payers, make their own preferences about how to spend their healthcare dollars. (SIUH) In conducting my research I have found that there is a great deal of arguments against using the Consumer Driven Healthcare Plan for medical insurance. The Physicians for a National Health Program website argues that Consumer Driven Healthcare Plan’s do the following: “These plans simply shift costs from insurers and businesses onto families. Moreover, they offer no hope of controlling health costs, as the sickest 20 percent of the population responsible for 80 percent of health spending (people with tens or hundreds of thousands of