Mr. Prasannakumar Ganji. Sr. Lecturer Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology (BIET) MBA Programme Davangere Karnataka, Mobile no: 9481730858. (Corresponding Author) Dr. V. Murugaiah. Professor and Dean IMS Davangere University Davangere, Karnataka., Mobil no: 9480363150.
The case discusses the role of Bhoomi Farmco a producer organization in inclusive growth by utilizing voluntary sector and private sector. Bhoomi Farmco works for the poor farming community in rural area. The case highlights the issues of the farmer’s related to inorganic farming, costly agri inputs, production cost, lack of market facilities, farmer exploitations and farmer suicides etc. Case additionally focuses on the problems concerning agri finance and its impact on the farmer’s life for managing inputs cost for production of crops.
Bhoomi Farmco is pioneer organization of its kind promoting company for fair-trade organic and chemical free cotton in India. Farmer’s …show more content…
Agro-bio diversity and employment options for poverty reductions are addressed and promoted through farmer groups. Farmer field schools provide a new direction of quality production, reduction of post harvest loss and competitive marketing. NFOF promote empowerment of women and reduction of household debts by facilitating and promoting Self Help Groups, micro credits and family farming activities. Integration of family farming activities in a specific geographical area are providing assured quantitative production of crops for localized value addition and marketing opportunities. NFOF has ventured into many projects like organic farming, United Nations (UN) projects, fair-trade and organic farming, national seminars and joint