Module 1 - Part 1 – Bible Story Worksheet
For Part 1 of this assignment, you will complete this worksheet by reviewing the "The Story of the Bible" "flags" and fulfill each writing requirement. keep your answers brief. Solid academic writing is expected. Refer to the GCU Academic Writing Guidelines in the Student Success Center.
Briefly answer each section from "The Story of the Bible":
Write 2-3 sentences explaining why the Creation account is so significant to the Christian worldview. The Creation account is so significant to the Christian worldview because it is the beginning of all things. This was the creation of humanity.
Write 2-3 sentences explaining what the Fall reveals about humanity and human morality. The fall reveals the sin of humanity and human morality. Humanity is no like god and that they have broken the morality of morals set forth by God.
Write 2-3 sentences explaining the importance of God revealing Himself through covenants. God reveals Himself through covenants because he wants humanity to have a guide to follow. This was Gods’ way of helping redeem humanity.
Write 2-3 sentences explaining what the prophecies about the Messiah tell us about Jesus.
The prophecies about the Messiah tell us that Jesus life was foreseen. He is the one who would sacrifice his life for humanity.
Write 2-3 sentences explaining the significance of Jesus’ life and ministry. Previously God spoke through the prophets but know he was speaking through his son. He gave his life for our sins.
Write 2-3 sentences explaining how restoration and redemption are significant for our purpose as individuals and for mankind in general. Mankind wants to live the eternal life in Heaven; no one wants to live in hell.
Please review all your responses above and write a three-paragraph summation of the Christian worldview. In