THEO 104-D05
November 23, 2014
Melissa Hess
The foundation to Christian faith is the belief that mankind is created in the image of God. My major/program of study is psychology. I am wanting to counsel victims of domestic violence. Which can be a very rewarding job because it gives me many opportunities to be able to reach out and help others as well as honor God. The way this belief will affect the way I interact with people in the field of psychology is by showing kindness, trust, patience, and understanding. In this paper I will be giving examples of how I will use my Christian faith with those I will be working with.
Example 1
The field of psychology is a very enduring one. It is about helping nurture others in need. From the very beginning of time, we were all created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-28). By being created in the image of God, who is the healer of all things gives me the ability to help others in their process of healing in the name of Jesus Christ. But it begins with being morally upright and honest. Being a psychologist you must remember that confidentiality and honesty stands above all things when doing your job. The Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of the APA, states that it is every psychologist’s job to promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness in the science, teaching, and practice of psychology. By being morally upright and honest with those that I work with it will show that I honor God and that I am created in the image of God. The scripture Psalm 37:3 states “Trust in the LORD and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper”. For me this means to be the Christian that I am and to keep my trust and honesty in the Lord when doing all things which includes my duties at work as well as at home.
Example 2
In the field of psychology you will interact with lots of different people. Some of them may have different up-bringing, cultures, beliefs, and etc. One