Throughout the following chapters in Genesis the people multiply and the world begins to take shape. However, there came a time when God saw that the earth had become very wicked and He decided that it was time to start …show more content…
A main example of this is again, Cain and Abel. Cain being a farmer and Abel being a shepherd. Other than these few examples little is said about civilizations until later in the story of the bible.
Genesis 1-11 starts the foundation of a biblical worldview. One of the most important thing to know when believing in a biblical worldview is that God is the creator of the universe and that He is the reason we are all here. If someone claims to practice a biblical worldview but believes that the world wasn’t created by God, they may want to take another look at the bible.
Another belief of people with a biblical worldview is that God is a loving and compassionate God. Some twist the details of Genesis to make it seem like God was harsh when punishing Adam and Eve and others, but really he was doing it out of love, and honestly they deserved it. God is a judge and more than that he is a just and honest judge, and he wouldn’t have to seem harsh if people didn’t sin and deserve the