This news report explains that population growth of any species might be beneficial only to a certain extent where is creates diversity, in which there may come a time when the number in the population exceeds the natural resources available to sustain it. The article goes on to further explain that the growing of opportunity for quality as population to provide housing might be a problem, as the population getting into less space is not enough in any location. The effect of population growth might low-cost housing and homelessness. This article is useful to my report as it helps me to explain the reasons of overpopulation in Singapore.
Top of the Word, (2013). Overpopulation behind All Major Problems in Singapore. Available from: < >[8 Nov. 2014].
This news report explains that overpopulation leads to spiraling property prices, it bring high cost living of Singaporeans that contribute transport woes of such traffic jam. Still worse, as the government is bent on pushing population up to seven million by 2030 as soon as government control. The article goes on to further explain that the number of population increasing sharply as government appears to be working on the local that more foreign people will be spending more revenue that leads to contribute for country. This article is useful to my report as it helps me to explain the effects of overpopulation.
Karen Gaia Pitts, w, & Karen Gaia Pitts, w 2014, ‘OPULATION IMPLOSION, GRAYING OF THE POPULATION AND NEGATIVE POPULATION GROWTH’ Available at: [Accessed 8 Nov. 2014].
This news report explains that the birth rate requires investments to satisfy the needs of youngest age groups