University of Central Florida
Bicycle Safety Education to 20 Children in the 4th Grade who are Attending a Local School
Part I Nursing Process: Community Diagnosis
Health seeking behavior: Bicycle safety education to 20 children in the 4th grade who are attending a local school r/t childhood injuries while riding bicycles and children seen riding without helmets as evidenced by emergency room visits and observation. Healthy People 2020 Objective IVP-21 desires to increase the number of States and the District of Columbia with laws requiring bicycle helmets for bicycle riders. Nineteen states (including the District of Columbia) had laws requiring bicycle helmets for bicycle riders under age 15 years in 2009 (U.S. Department of Human and Health Services, 2011). Adults in the community need to take the responsibility of ensuring that children practice bicycle safety. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, at least sixty-seven percent of bicyclists killed in 2011 reportedly weren 't wearing helmets (2013). It seems this statistic alone should be enough to make changes in the number of cyclists wearing helmets but it’s clearly not.
Current Nursing Interventions
Current nursing interventions are centered on community education to encourage lifestyle modifications. Education includes education of children in proper helmet use (Blake, et al. 2008), proper helmet fitting (Rezendes, 2006), community safety and bike rodeos (Lassman, 2002). Utilization of various teaching techniques have been tried and many have shown success. There is little information available about what is being done to encourage additional states to pass laws to meet the Healthy People 2020 goal of increasing states with helmet laws (U.S. Department of Human and Health Services, 2011).
Unsuccessful Interventions
Motivation is a key component in the
References: Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute (2013). Bicycle helmet safety institute. Retrieved from Blake, G., Velikonja, D., Pepper, V., Jilderda, I., & Georgiou, G. (2008). Evaluating an in-school injury prevention programme 's effect on children 's helmet wearing Florida Bicycle Association (2013). Florida bicycle law: Bicycle helmets. Retrieved from Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. (2013). Fatality facts 2011 bicycles. Retrieved from Rezendes, J. (2006). Bicycle helmets: Overcoming barriers to use and increasing effectiveness